Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nintendo 8 Bit , Game Genie Codes (P-thru-Z)


(c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights
Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the
private use of Game Genie owners. NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT
AUTHORIZATION. This file may be freely distributed for PRIVATE,
NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY as long as it is not altered and all text
remains intact.
Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not
manufactured, distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc.
NES is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are
trademarks of their respective owners. Game Genie is a trademark of
Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.

P.O.W.(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEUEIZZA 1 life
2 IEUEIZZA 6 lives
3 AEUEIZZE 9 lives
4 AENSLPPA Infinite lives
5 APKGPLAZ + APESYZAZ Play with less energy
6 STOLOUON Take less damage when hit from behind
7 GZUUNUSE + GZSLOSSE Keep weapons
8 AAVGOTPA Infinite bullets
P.O.W. is a trademark of SNK Corp. of America.

Pac Man(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEKKIVG Both players have infinite lives
2 VTGKVZ 1 life for player 2
3 AYVITOGL Power pills last longer
4 AZVITOGL Power pills don't last as long
5 ATXTZASZ Power pills don't work
6 IAXVYEYE Only 3 ghosts are edible
7 PAXVYEYE Only 2 ghosts are edible
Pac Man is a trademark of Atari Games Corp. Used by Namco, Ltd.,
under license.

Panic Restaurant(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OXVPPAVK Infinite energy--except when you fall on spikes
2 GASYZGZA Start with 4 hearts
3 TASYZGZA Start with 6 hearts
4 ZASYZGZE Start with 10 hearts
5 PAOZNIZA Start with 2 lives
6 IAOZNIZA Start with 5 lives
7 ZAOZNIZE Start with 10 lives
8 YAOZNIZE Start with 15 lives
9 SAOSAGVG Infinite lives
10 AIVYGGLT + AIVKXYLT Start with 80 on timer
11 TGVYGGLT + TGVKXYLT Start with 70 on timer
12 GLVYGGLV + GLVKXYLV Start with 60 on timer
13 OZVKGZVK Infinite time
Panic Restaurant is a trademark of Taito Corporation.

Paper Boy(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXSEVZVG Infinite lives
2 PAUOEIGA Start with 1 life
3 TAUOEIGA Start with 6 lives
4 OZNOKAVK Infinite papers
5 GOXAUOZA Start with 20 papers
6 GPUONUZA Gain 20 papers on pick-up
Paper Boy is a trademark of Tengen.

Paperboy 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEOUYGIA Start with 1 life--Paperboy only
2 LEOUYGIA Start with 3 lives--Paperboy only
3 ZEOUYGIE Start with 10 lives--Paperboy only
4 AAKEZLPA Infinite lives

5 YAELGVZE Start with 15 papers
6 GPELGVZA Start with 20 papers
7 AEVPNLPA Infinite papers
8 IEOAEOZA Pick up 5 papers
9 YEOAEOZE Pick up 15 papers
10 GOOAEOZA Pick up 20 papers
Paperboy 2 is a trademark of Atari Games Corporation.

Phantom Fighter(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VTVKEGSA + KAVKOGNA Start with Sword
2 VTVKEGSA + SAVKOGNA Start with Bell
3 VTVKEGSA + UAVKOGNA Start with Tonten
4 VTVKEGSA + XAVKOGNA Start with Talisman
5 LASKNGAA + VAVKOGNA Start with 3 Scrolls
6 TASKNGAA + VAVKOGNA Start with 6 Scrolls
7 SXSZLUSE Infinite energy
8 OVSZPLSV + PESZZLAA Take less damage when attacked
Phantom Fighter and Kenchi are trademarks of Fujisankei
Communications International, Inc.

Pin-Bot(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PANTGZLA Start with only 1 ball
2 TANTGZLA Start with 6 balls
3 PANTGZLE Start with 9 balls
4 OZVVYZVV Infinite balls
Pin-Bot is a trademark of Williams Electronic Games, Inc.

Pinball(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PASGPALA Start game with 1 ball
2 TASGPALA Start game with 6 balls
3 PASGPALE Start game with 9 balls
4 SUXKLEVS Infinite balls in 'B' game

Pipe Dream(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAOALPLA Start with 1 wrench
2 TAOALPLA Start with 6 wrenches
3 PAOALPLE Start with 9 wrenches
4 SZKTPUVK Infinite wrenches
5 AAOGZZIA One-way pipes from level 1
6 IAOGAZLA One-way pipes from level 5
7 ZAOKPZLE One-way pipes from level 10
8 KEUAUVSE Tunnels galore
9 GPKIEGZP + ZPKINGGP Pumps before reservoirs
10 GPKIEGZP Pumps instead of reservoirs
Pipe Dream is a trademark of Lucasarts Entertainment Company.
Used by Bullet-Proof Software under license.

Platoon(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
Stage 1
1 SXKOZPVG Infinite grenades
2 SZSPYAVG Start with double capacity magazine
3 AEKESYGE Double hits
4 SXKAUYVT Don't take damage
Stage 2
5 GAKEAPIA Start on stage 2
6 SZVAXTVT Don't take damage
Stage 3
7 LAEGGATA Start on stage 3
Stage 4
8 SXKEUZVG Freeze timer
9 IEVEOPLA Play with more time
10 PAKOIPIE Double hits
11 ZAKOIPIA Halve hits
12 GEXEUPTE Start with double ammo
Platoon is a trademark of Hemdale Film Corporation. Used by Sun
Corporation of America under license

Popeye(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GSGKXG Infinite lives for Popeye
2 PAPKNA 1 life for Popeye
3 TAPKNA 6 lives for Popeye
4 PAPKNE 9 lives for Popeye
Popeye is a trademark of King Features Syndicate, Inc. Used by
Nintendo of America, Inc. under license.

Power Blade(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXYZYZA 1 life
2 IAXYZYZA 6 lives
3 AAXYZYZE 9 lives
4 SZSIAAVG Infinite lives
5 SZKAKXOU Take minimum damage
6 GZUITAVG + GZVITASA Don't lose boomerang strength
when you die
7 GZUSGAVG + GZVSZASA Don't lose multi-boomerangs when
you die
8 OTKESZSV Don't take damage from monsters!
9 AZXSAVAU Mega jump
Power Blade is a trademark of Taito America Corp.

Power Blade 2 (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEKEPTZA Start with 1 life
2 IEKEPTZA Start with 6 lives
3 AEKEPTZE Start with 9 lives
4 GZSILAVG Infinite lives
5 OVSLZLSV Infinite energy
6 OVSLZLSV + PESLLLAA Take minimal damage
7 ATKKXZSZ Stop timer
8 YPKGNXYU Speed up timer
9 YYKGNXYU Slow down timer
10 GXEVXTVG Infinite life tanks
11 GZEIPLVG Infinite energy tanks
12 OZVULSOK + SANLZIVT Maximum throwing ability on pick-up
13 SAKSZZSZ Throw meter doesn't decrease when boomerang is
Power Blade 2 is a trademark of Taito Corporation.

Predator(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNGGXVK Infinite lives in jungle mode
2 SXXGZOVK Infinite lives in big mode
3 AAVKGPGE Start with double lives
4 LASEOELA + XLSEUEVX Start each life with laser rifle
5 AVUGVGSA Infinite life points in jungle mode
6 AEOETOPE Mega-jumps in jungle mode
7 NTEENEGE + ATOAEEOZ Don't die if you fall down holes
Predator is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox. Used by
Activision under license.

Pro Wrestling(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 IEETTZGP Only have 5 seconds to get back into ring
2 ZEETTZGO Only have 10 seconds to get back into ring
3 TOETTZGO 30 seconds to get back into ring
4 PEXIKYIA Rounds are only 1 minute
5 LEXIKYIA Rounds are only 3 minutes
6 AEXIKYIE Rounds are 8 minutes
7 ZEXIKYIE Rounds are 10 minutes
8 ZAVVTGLA 2-second pin count
9 IAVVTGLA 5-second pin count
10 YAVVTGLA 7-second pin count
Pro Wrestling is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Pro Sport Hockey (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 2
2 LESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 3
3 GESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 4
4 IESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 5
5 TESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 6
6 YESUZYPA Player 1 goals worth 7
7 AESUZYPE Player 1 goals worth 8
8 ZENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 2
9 LENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 3
10 GENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 4
11 IENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 5
12 TENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 6
13 YENLZYPA Player 2 goals worth 7
14 AENLZYPE Player 2 goals worth 8
15 VVNPTOSE Player 1 starts with 1 point
16 ZENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT Player 1 starts with 2 points
17 GENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT Player 1 starts with 4 points
18 TENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT Player 1 starts with 6 points
19 AENPIPAE + VVNOZPNT Player 1 starts with 8 points
20 ZENPIPAE + VVNOZPNT Player 1 starts with 10 points
21 VVNOPOSE Player 2 starts with 1 point
22 ZENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT Player 2 starts with 2 points
23 GENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT Player 2 starts with 4 points
24 TENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT Player 2 starts with 6 points
25 AENPIPAE + NVNPYPVT Player 2 starts with 8 points
26 ZENPIPAE + NVNPYPVT Player 2 starts with 10 points
Pro Sport Hockey is a trademark of Jaleco USA, Inc.

Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEVKZTIA Start with 1 life
2 PEVKZTIE Start with 9 lives
3 SXUGZKVK Infinite lives
4 PENKZTZA Start with 1 heart
5 GENKZTZA Start with 4 hearts
6 AASVUGIL Always be able to fly
7 AAKGYGPA Infinite hearts
8 AOVTETAO Mega-jump
Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt is a trademark of Ocean of America Inc.

The Punisher(tm) Game
1 PEOTYTIA 1 life
2 ZEOTYTIE 10 lives
3 XVOVGXXK Never lose a life against normal enemy
4 XVOEXOXK Never lose a life against end of level enemy
5 XTSVSNXK Infinite grenades
6 AESYAPPA Infinite bullets and rockets
7 GEUUYIZA Faster Punisher(tm)
8 PEUYNLAA Pick up 150 machine pistol bullets
9 PEUNXLAA Pick up 150 assault rifle bullets
10 AAEUUPAO Less energy picked up
11 APEUUPAO More energy picked up
The Punisher is a trademark of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Used
by LJN Toys, Ltd. under license.

Puss 'n Boots--Pero's Great Adventure(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEOGZALA Start with 1 life
2 TEOGZALA Start with 6 lives
3 PEOGZALE Start with 9 lives
4 SZOKZZVG Infinite lives
5 GOSTNUAU Start with less energy
6 SZNGOISA Infinite energy
7 GAEGAIAA Start on stage 1
8 PAEGAIAE Start on stage 2
9 TAEGAIAE Start on stage 3
10 AAXGNUPA Mega-jump
11 AAOVNENY Autofire and Autojump
Puss 'n Boots--Pero's Great Adventure is a trademark of Toei
Animation. Used by Electro Brain Corp. under license.

Puzznic(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ITKIPXGL Slower timer
2 TPKIPXGU Faster timer
3 ZEUAIPAE Start on level 2-1
4 GOUAIPAA Start on level 3-1
5 TOUAIPAE Start on level 4-1
6 AXUAIPAE Start on level 5-1
7 ZUUAIPAA Start on level 6-1
8 GUUAIPAE Start on level 7-1
9 TKUAIPAA Start on level 8-1
10 ASUAIPAA Start on level 9-1
Puzznic is a trademark of Taito America Corporation.

Q*Bert(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXSZGPVG Infinite lives
2 PEUOOGIA + PAXZLLIA Start with 1 life
3 ZAXZLLIE + ZEUOOGIE Start with 10 lives
4 AESPVGAE Start on level 3
5 GOSPVGAA Start on level 6
6 AXSPVGAA Start on level 9
Q*BERT is a trademark of JVW Electronics, Inc. Used by Konami Inc.
under license.

Qix(tm) Game
1 PEEAPZGA 1 life for player 1
2 PEEEAZGA 1 life for player 2
3 IANAZZPA Start on Level 5, player 1 game
4 ZANAZZPE Start on Level 10, player 1 game
5 GPNAZZPA Start on Level 20, player 1 game
6 IEEEGZPA Start on Level 5, player 2 game
7 ZEEEGZPE Start on Level 10, player 2 game
8 GOEEGZPA Start on Level 20, player 2 game
Qix is a trademark of Taito America Corporation.

Quattro Adventure(tm) Game
1) Boomerang Kid(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 TAOGPTLA Start with 6 lives
2 SZOGXVVK Infinite lives
2) Linus Spacehead(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEKGGLLE Start with 9 lives
2 AZKKPNAP Increase oxygen
3 AEULZIPA Never lose oxygen
4 SXEGLYVG Never lose life in the water
5 SZXIILVG Never lose life in the land
3) Super Robin Hood(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAVGILLA Start with 1 life
2 TAVGILLA Start with 6 lives
3 PAVGILLE Start with 9 lives
4 SXNKZIVG Infinite lives
5 AVONISPG Become invincible
6 PAEGLTLE 9 energy hearts--you may lose some of the
hearts you have when you pick up new ones
4) Treasure Island Dizzy(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEXSZYAA Invincible Dizzy(tm)!
2 OZNTKASX Walk backwards
3 PEUSYYAA Start with snorkel
4 PEUSYYAA + PEKNIZZP Start with axe
5 PEUSYYAA + ZEKNIZZP Start with dynamite
6 PEUSYYAA + IEKNIZZP Start with heavy weight
Quattro Adventure, Boomerang Kid, Linus Spacehead, Linus, Linoleum,
Super Robin Hood, Treasure Island Dizzy, Dizzy, Daisy and Yolkfolk
are trademarks of Codemasters Software Ltd.

Quattro Arcade(tm) Game
1) Go! Dizzy Go!(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAVGZILA Start with 1 life
2 TAVGZILA Start with 6 lives
3 PAVGZILE Start with 9 lives
4 ZEEKGIPA Start on world 1, stage 3
5 GEEKGIPA Start on world 1, stage 5
6 TEEKGIPA Start on world 2, stage 2
7 AEEKGIPE Start on world 2, stage 4
8 AOEKGIPA Start on world 4, stage 2
9 ZOEKGIPA Start on world 4, stage 4
10 GOEKGIPA Start on world 5, stage 1
11 TOEKGIPA Start on world 5, stage 3
12 AOEKGIPE Start on world 5, stage 5
13 XVTISU + XVTIVU Always kill monsters
Quattro Arcade, Go! Dizzy Go!, Dizzy and Evil Wizard Zaks are
trademarks of Codemasters Software Company Ltd.
2) Stunt Buggies(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAKVXGLA Start with 1 life
2 TAKVXGLA Start with 6 lives
3 PAKVXGLE Start with 9 lives
4 SXOXZEVK Infinite lives
Stunt Buggies is a trademark of Codemasters Software Company Ltd.
3) F-16 Renegade(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEUGEALA Start with 2 lives--1-player game
2 TEUGEALA Start with 7 lives--1-player game
3 PEUGEALE Start with 10 lives--1-player game
4 LEUGSAPA + PEKGXAAA Start on level 3
5 IEUGSAPA + ZEKGXAAA Start on level 5
6 YEUGSAPA + LEKGXAAA Start on level 7
7 PEUGSAPE + GEKGXAAA Start on level 9
F-16 Renegade is a trademark of Codemasters Software Company
4) C.J.'s Elephant Antics(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PASTSVPA Start with 1 life
2 IASTSVPA Start with 5 lives
3 YASTSVPE Start with 15 lives
4 GPSTSVPA Start with 20 lives
5 SUKTZUVS Infinite lives--don't use with
Codes 9 and 10
6 PAEYOAAA Start in Switzerland
7 ZAEYOAAA Start in Egypt
8 LAEYOAAA Start in Africa
9 PAONILAA Always run fast
10 YAONILAE Super C.J.(tm)!
C.J.'s Elephant Antics and C.J. are trademarks of Codemasters
Software Company Ltd.

Rad Racer(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZXIUVIZ Less time to finish each stage
2 GLXIUVIX More time to finish each stage
3 PAXKPAAA + GXKGKTSA Start at stage 2
4 ZAXKPAAA + GXKGKTSA Start at stage 3
5 LAXKPAAA + GXKGKTSA Start at stage 4
6 GAXKPAAA + GXKGKTSA Start at stage 5
7 IAXKPAAA + GXKGKTSA Start at stage 6
8 ALXGAIAA Turbo acceleration
9 YYUKGIAU Super Turbo acceleration
10 PEEGPIAA Ultra Turbo acceleration
Rad Racer is a trademark of Square Soft, Inc.

Raid on Bungeling Bay(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PENGZYIE Start with 9 lives
2 PENGZYIA Start with 1 life
3 SXSIASVK Infinite bombs
4 SXVVPIAX Take no damage from ANYTHING
5 LEVKTYPA Start on round 3
6 TEVKTYPA Start on round 6
7 PEVKTYPE Start on round 9
8 AZOIIEGX You can only carry 5 bombs
Raid on Bungeling Bay is a trademark of Broderbund Software, Inc.

Rally Bike(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAUIKTIA Start with 1 life in 1-player game
2 ZAUIKTIE Start with 10 lives in 1-player game
3 PAUIKITA + ZAXSTGTA Start with 1 life in 2-player game, both
4 ZAUIKTIE + LAXSTGIE Start with 10 lives in 2-player game,
both players
5 SZEITKVV Infinite lives in 1 player game
6 SZOSIKVN Infinite lives in 2 player game, both players
7 SIUKLUVV Infinite gas
Rally Bike is a trademark of Romstar, Incorporated.

Rambo(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOVXKVS Never lose weapons
2 ZEEEITIE More medicine bottles
3 GOEAPVZA More throwing knives
4 ZEEEITIA Start with 2 medicine bottles
5 ZPNEITPP + ZOEALTPP Start with bow and arrows
6 LPNEITPP + LOEALTPP Start with exploding arrows
7 IPNEITPP + IOEALTPP Start with hand grenades
8 GOXTZXZA Gain double items on pick-up
Rambo is a trademark of Carolco. Used by Acclaim Entertainment,
Inc., under license.

Rampage(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 NYSGLUYN More energy for player 1
2 NYVKTUYN More energy for player 2
3 YLSGLUYN Less energy for player 1
4 YLVKTUYN Less energy for player 2
5 NNNGKNYN More energy for players 1 and 2 after continue
6 YUNGKNYN Less energy for players 1 and 2 after continue
7 AAOUOPPA + AASLSPPA No harm from water
8 AEXLPGAP No harm from falling
9 GXXLALOP No harm from attacks or bad food
10 AXXLPGAP More damage done from falling
11 GEULLLIA Double energy from food
12 AEULLLIA + ZKULTUZE Half energy from food
Rampage is a trademark of Bally Midway Manufacturing Co. used by
Data East USA, Inc. under license.

RC Pro Am(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAEIPPPA /AASIUAPA Infinite continues

2 AEXEPPZA / AAUAGZZA No continues
3 IEXEPPZA / IAUAGZZA 5 continues
4 AEXEPPZE / AAUAGZZE 8 continues
5 GEUGAPPA / GAOGOAPA Max turbo on first pick-up
6 GEKKGPPA / GAXKSAPA Max tires on first pick-up
7 GAVGIPPA / GEKGTYPA Max speed on first pick-up
8 ZEUGAPPA / ZAOGOAPA Double turbo on first pick-up
9 ZEKKGPPA / ZAXKSAPA Double tires on first pick-up
10 ZAVGIPPA / ZEKGTYPA Double speed on first pick-up
11 SXVLGZAK / SZKLOPAK Computer cars go crazy!
RC Pro Am is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

R.C. Pro-Am II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AESOLAZA Start with 1 credit instead of 3
2 GESOLAZA Start with 5 credits
3 TESOLAZA Start with 7 credits
4 AESOLAZE Start with 9 credits
5 SUEEGXVS Infinite credits
6 ATUXYGSZ Items in the Model Shop are free if you
have enough money
7 PEETEOEG Buckshot costs 10 instead of 2,000
8 AEEVUPYA Mega Pulse costs 2,080 instead of 20,000
9 AANTSPIA Scoopers cost 2,200 instead of 15,000
10 AANTUPLA Dynafit tires cost 2,320 instead of 10,000
11 AAVVUPLP Mega Motor costs 1,360 instead of 50,000
12 AAVVOOLA Hyper Motor costs 1,840 instead of 30,000
13 AEEVOPIA Freeze costs 2,200 instead of 15,000
14 AEETNPIA Lazer costs 1,200 instead of 14,000
15 AEETSPGA Bombs cost 1,760 instead of 12,000
16 AANTOPZA Nobbies cost 1,880 instead of 7,000
17 AEETUPLA Missile costs 2,320 instead of 10,000
18 PEOGNTAA Start on Track 2
19 ZEOGNTAA Start on Track 3
20 LEOGNTAA Start on Track 4
21 GEOGNTAA Start on Track 5
22 IEOGNTAA Start on Track 6
23 TEOGNTAA Start on Track 7
24 YEOGNTAA Start on Track 8
25 AEOGNTAE Start on first Tug-O-Truck Challenge
26 PEOGNTAE Start on Track 9
27 ZEOGNTAE Start on Track 10
28 LEOGNTAE Start on Track 11
29 GEOGNTAE Start on Track 12
30 IEOGNTAE Start on Track 13
31 TEOGNTAE Start on Track 14
32 YEOGNTAE Start on Track 15
33 AOOGNTAA Start on Track 16
34 POOGNTAA Start on Drag Race
35 ZOOGNTAA Start on Track 17
36 LOOGNTAA Start on Track 18
37 GOOGNTAA Start on Track 19
38 IOOGNTAA Start on Track 20
39 TOOGNTAA Start on Track 21
40 YOOGNTAA Start on Track 22
41 AOOGNTAE Start on Track 23
42 POOGNTAE Start on Track 24
43 ZOOGNTAE Start on second Tug-O-Truck Challenge
44 LOOGNTAE Start on Track 25
45 GOOGNTAE Start on Track 26
46 IOOGNTAE Start on Track 27
47 TOOGNTAE Start on Track 28
48 YOOGNTAE Start on Track 29
49 SXKVLVVS Infinite lazers on purchase
50 SXSTZKVS Infinite bombs on purchase
51 SXOVGVVS Infinite freezes on purchase
52 SZXVGSVS Infinite buckshot on purchase
53 SZSTTSVS Infinite missiles on purchase
R.C. Pro-Am II is a trademark of Nintendo of America.

Renegade(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXUIOTVG Infinite lives
2 AEOSLYZA Both players start with 1 life
3 IEOSLYZA Both players start with 6 lives
4 AEOSLYZE Both players start with 9 lives
5 AIUOZUAZ Start with a super energy boost
6 PEXSYYAA Start on mission 2
7 ZEXSYYAA Start on mission 3
8 LEXSYYAA Start on mission 4
9 TOSVOXTU Timer runs faster
10 EXSVOXTL Timer runs slower
Renegade is a trademark of Taito America Corporation.

The Ren & Stimpy Show Buckeroos (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 NYOYXLYE Infinite health
2 NYUVOZTE Infinite lives
3 PEUAPZLA Start with 2 lives
4 IEUAPZLA Start with 6 lives
5 YEUAPZLA Start with 8 lives
6 PEUAPZLE Start with 10 lives
7 VNXELSSO Start with $11 instead of 0
8 OUEAXXOO Infinite collectibles
9 OZEEPYES + PAEEZYZZ Start on Rescue the Maiden level
11 OZEEPYES + ZAEEZYZZ + SAEELNVV Start on Robin Hoek(tm)
12 YPEYOUGU Shorter invincibility after getting hit
13 ITEYOUGL Longer invincibility after getting hit
14 ZAXNPZIA 2 custard pies picked up
15 PAXNPZIE 9 custard pies picked up
The Ren & Stimpy Show Buckeroos and Robin Hoek are trademarks of
Nickelodeon, a Programming Service of Viacom International, Inc.

Ring King(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZEIPVVK Unlimited power in 1-player game
2 GXKZXYOP Don't lose stamina from fighting
3 LEOSLYTA Cut timer to 30 seconds
4 PEOSLYTE Boost timer to 90 seconds
5 GXOZOIOP Players can't hurt each other!
Ring King is a trademark of Data East USA, Inc.

River City Ransom(tm) Game
1 TOSNAVYE Start with double every attribute!
2 LVNYIVYL Increase stamina to 99
3 AGENAYAZ Player 1 starts with double money
4 AGOYYYAZ Player 2 starts with double money
5 PAENIYAA Player 1 starts with $100 extra
6 PAONGYAA Player 2 starts with $100 extra
River City Ransom is a trademark of Technos Japan Corp.

Road Runner(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZOVUUVK Infinite lives
2 XVUGAOEK + XVXTSUEK Never lose seed
3 AAEVTGIA Start game with 1 life
4 LAEVTGIE Start game with 12 lives
5 PPEVTGIA Start game with 18 lives
6 IAOTLGPA Start at level 5
7 ZAOTLGPE Start at level 10
8 YAOTLGPE Start at level 15
9 GPOTLGPA Start at level 20
10 PPOTLGPE Start at level 25
11 TPOTLGPE Start at level 30
Road Runner is a trademark of Warner Bros. Inc. Used by Tengen under

Roadblasters(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEIGEVK Infinite credits
2 GAVLUTZA Double credits
3 ATNEEISZ Infinite UZ Cannon
4 LZOENSTO Start with UZ Cannon (MUST be
used with ROAD Code 3)
5 PEEAEIIE Extend lifetime of UZ Cannon
6 AVSEKSVG Infinite Nitro Injectors
7 SAOENSTO + GXKEOIEY Start with Nitro Injector (MUST
be used with ROAD Code 6)
8 NNSEOIEE Extend lifetime of Nitro Injector
9 AKSEOIEA Reduce lifetime of Nitro Injector
10 SXVEKSVK Infinite Cruise missiles
11 ETOENSTP Start with Cruise missiles (MUST
be used with ROAD Code 10)
12 SZSEKVVK Infinite Electro Shield
13 PIOENSTP + VAXAESSE Start with Electro Shield (MUST
be used with ROAD Code 12)
Roadblasters is a trademark of Tengen. Used by Mindscape Inc. under

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 VAXEOLSA Infinite hit points for Robin in 'main combat'
2 EYXAOPAL Infinite hit points for Robin in 'dueling combat'
3 GOXLLNAA Bandages give more hit points back
4 AOULIUAE Food gives more hit points back--EXCEPT FOR LEG
5 AASPIZPA Infinite arrows
Robin Hood is a trademark of Morgan Creek Productions, Inc.

RoboCop(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXKXYIVT Infinite time
2 SGOTKLIA Infinite ammunition
3 SZKVOTSA Won't take damage
from touching enemies
4 SZVVVYSA Won't take damage from enemy bullets
5 PAOYNILE Triple normal power on
power food pick-up
6 PAXNEILE Triple normal time on battery pick-up
7 TPXNEILA Max time on battery pick-up
8 TPOYNILA Full power on power food pick-up
10 ZAESZPAA + SAESLPSP + TTESGPSA Start on level 3
11 LAESZPAA + SAESLPSP + TTESGPSA Start on level 4
12 GAESZPAA + SAESLPSP + TTESGPSA Start on level 5
13 IAESZPAA + SAESLPSP + TTESGPSA Start on level 6
14 YAXSAPPE Use with COP Code 2 to start with machine gun and
Cobra gun!
RoboCop is a trademark of Orion Pictures Corporation. Used by Data
East USA, Inc., under license

Robocop 3(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OXONLPSV + POONGPXV Invincibility (energy never goes
below starting level)
2 ZLVGIXPP Start with 2x energy
3 GAVGIXPO Start with 1/2 energy
4 GNUNAEKN 1 hit kills all enemies
5 VVKGLATE Lots of repair icons
Robocop 3 and Rehab Officers are trademarks of Orion Pictures

RoboWarrior(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZUNYXTK Don't take damage from bomb blast
2 GZNNIXTK Don't take damage from monsters/stops power
3 IAVTPSZA Gain 5 super bombs on pick-up
4 GPVTPSZA Gain 20 super bombs on pick-up
5 SZKTYPVG Never use up super bombs
6 IEVKLPAA Start with 5 of everything!
7 ZEVKLPAE Start with 10 of everything!
8 IANGAPPA Set firing range to 5
9 ZANGAPPE Set firing range to 10
10 IEVGIPPA Start with Defense Level at 5
11 AEVGIPPE Start with Defense Level at 8
RoboWarrior is a trademark of Jaleco USA Inc.

Rocketeer(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GESLNKAA Start with 1/2 energy
2 AOSLNKAA Start with 2x energy
3 AOSLNKAE Start with 3x energy
4 GZSSINSV Infinite energy
5 IAOZZXZA 1/2 normal bullets picked up
6 GPOZZXZA 2x normal bullets picked up
7 TPOZZXZE 3x normal bullets picked up
8 ZAEZGZGO 1/2 silver bullets picked up
9 AZEZGZGO 2x silver bullets picked up
10 GLEZGZGO 3x silver bullets picked up
11 AAVLKIIA Loads of all weapons with infinite ammunition!
Rocketeer is a trademark of the Walt Disney Company.

Rocket Ranger(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZEOGSYPA Double amount of Lunarium in storage
2 LEOGSYPA Triple amount of Lunarium in storage
3 AEOGSYPA + ZUOKNYAA Half amount of Lunarium in
4 LVOKXNGL Lunarium level in backpack at 99
5 SZSGPUSE Never lose Lunarium in backpack
Rocket Ranger and Lunarium are trademarks of Cinemaware

Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZANEAPLA + ZEOUYPLA + ZEVKGPLA 2 strikes and you're
2 PANEAPLA + PEOUYPLA + PEVKGPLA 1 strike and you're out

3 OOVSLLPA Strikes are not called when batter doesn't swing
4 GANAAPZA Strikes are not called when batter swings
5 PENKLPGA 1 ball for a walk
6 ZENKLPGA 2 balls for a walk
7 LENKLPGA 3 balls for walk
8 OONIALAA Infinite balls (balls are not called)
9 SLNALPVY Infinite balls and strikes
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball is a trademark of LJN Ltd.

Roller Ball(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PANGIPLA All players start with only 1 ball
2 SZKGPXVS Infinite balls for all players
Roller Ball is a trademark of Hal America, Inc.

Rollerblade Racer(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAUKUZLA Start with 1 life
2 TAUKUZLA Start with 6 lives
3 PAUKUZLE Start with 9 lives
4 OXVSAYVK Infinite lives
5 PEVIPYGA 1 fall and you're dead
6 TEVIPYGA 6 falls and you're dead
7 AEVIPYGE 8 falls and you're dead
8 ZAUKNZAA Start on the City Street
9 GAUKNZAA Start on Hit the Beach
10 TAUKNZAA Start on Panic Park
Rollerblade Racer is a trademark of Rollerblade, Inc.

Rollergames (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXENAYVG Infinite lives
2 PASAZALE 9 special moves
3 TASAZALA 6 special moves
4 GXVPAZVG Infinite special moves
5 TASATEGA Start with less energy
6 APSATEGE Start with more energy
7 PAKAAGAE Mega-jump
8 GZOENISA Stop timer
9 YPOAUSYU Faster timer
10 YYOAUSYU Slower timer
Rollergames is a trademark of World Alliance of Rollersports.

Rolling Thunder(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNTULVG + SZSTULVG Infinite lives
2 PEOVLALA Start with 1 life
3 TEOVLALA Start with 6 lives
4 PEOVLALE Start with 9 lives
5 SZEVYZVG Stop timer
6 PASPYZLA Start with 1 life after continue
7 TASPYZLA Start with 6 lives after continue
8 PASPYZLE Start with 9 lives after continue
9 AEEVSAZE Start with increased life meter
10 EKSTEAGV 200 machine gun bullets on pick-up
11 SUOZPXVS 300 machine gun and 300 normal
bullets on pick-up
12 GOKVNAZL Gain fewer bullets on pick-up
13 LEXTZAAA + LAKTKLAA Start with loads of ammunition!
14 EKXVZAZU Start with 200 bullets
15 EGKVKLZU 200 bullets on each new life
16 ZLVITYPA Self-replenishing bullets!
Rolling Thunder is a trademark of Namco, Ltd. Used by Tengen under

Rush'N'Attack(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZOEAYVG Infinite lives--player 1
2 GZOEIYVG Infinite lives--player 2
3 PAVSTPIA Start with 1 life--player 1
4 PANITPIA Start with 1 life--player 2
5 ZAVSTPIE Start with 10 lives--player 1
6 ZANITPIE Start with 10 lives--player 2
7 AENASIPA Never lose POW
Rush'N'Attack is a trademark of Konami Inc.

S.C.A.T.(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AANSUGPA Infinite energy
2 ZUXGKTTA Start with more energy
3 ZANVNGLE More energy picked up
4 AEESVKAA Don't lose speed-ups when hit
5 NNEIKGAK Longer immunity
6 APKSEGAG Shorter immunity
7 PAEIKTTE + NYEISVXY Faster maximum speed-up
8 TENIKIGA + XNNISSKN Faster normal speed-up
S.C.A.T. and Vile Matmort are trademarks of Natsume, Inc.

Section Z(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOPUIVG Infinite lives
2 pexsizla Start with 1 life
3 TEXSIZLA Start with 6 live s
4 PEXSIZLE Start with 9 lives
5 ZAUNUZAE Energy tube gives full energy boost
6 NNNOUTSY Autofiring capability
Section Z is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.

Seicross (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SUTEEX Infinite lives
2 PELAGA Start with 1 life
3 TELAGA Start with 6 lives
4 PELAGE Start with 9 lives
5 PEGEUG Slow motion
Seicross is a trademark of Nihon Bussan Co., Ltd.

Shadow of the Ninja(tm) Game
1 SZSNIIVG Infinite continues
2 PEEVZAIE 9 continues
3 PEEVZAIA 1 continue
4 GZVXSKSO Don't lose energy from enemy attacks
5 AAVPGIGA Don't lose energy from falling
6 APOEOGGA Maximum energy gained from potion
7 PAOEOGGA Less energy gained from potion
8 AZUAOGGO 40 throwing stars on pick-up
9 GPKAVGIA 20 bombs on pick-up
Shadow Of The Ninja and Garuda are trademarks of Natsume, Inc.

Shatterhand(tm) Game
CODE Key In . . . Effect . .
1 AEVNAIZA Start with 1 life
2 IEVNAIZA Start with 6 lives
3 AEVNAIZE Start with 9 lives
4 GENNZSAA Play with less energy
6 AAKKSPPA Power-ups don't use up gold
7 AXXAZZGO Double the value of big coins
8 ZEXAZZGO Big coins only worth 1/2
9 YEEAYZIE Triple the value of small coins
Shatterhand and General Gus are trademarks of Jaleco U.S.A. Inc.

Shinobi(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEOLXVK Infinite lives
2 AANOLAZA 1 life
3 IANOLAZA 6 lives
4 AANOLAZE 9 lives
5 SZNIPNVK Infinite life energy
6 GAXOTATE + GENPGPTE Start with double normal energy
7 IEKONILA Turbo running
Shinobi is a trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd.

Shooting Range(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ASUAIVAZ + ASXOVXAZ + SXVONOOU Double usual shots per
2 ASUAIVAZ + ANXOVXAX + SXVONOOU Triple usual shots per
3 ASUAIVAZ + EXXOVXAZ + SXVONOOU Quadruple usual shots
per round
4 GEKAILLA + GAEETTLA More time for level 1
5 ZEKAILLA + ZAEETTLA Less time for level 1
6 GAOAATZA + AAOAPTZL More time for level 2
7 PAOAATZA + ZLOAPTZL Less time for level 2
8 GAOAZTZA + ZLOALTAA More time for level 3
9 PAOAZTZA + AAOALTAA Less time for level 3
10 GTEPOAZL Double bonus time for hourglasses
11 PPEPOAZU Half bonus time for hourglasses
Shooting Range is a trademark of Bandai America, Inc.

Silent Service(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZLEPOIAI Start with 50 deck gun shells
2 LTEPOIAI Start with 99 deck gun shells
3 SZXVOPVG Infinite deck gun shells
4 SZSVUPVG Infinite bow torpedoes
5 SXETUPVG Infinite aft torpedoes
Silent Service is a trademark of MicroProse Software Inc.

Silkworm(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAXGXALA Start with 1 life
2 TAXGXALA Start with 6 lives
3 PAXGXALE Start with 9 lives
4 SXSVIZVG Infinite lives using helicopter
5 SZVVGTVG Infinite lives using jeep
6 PEEGSPLA 1 life using helicopter after continue
7 TEEGSPLA 6 lives using helicopter after continue
8 PEEGSPLE 9 lives using helicopter after continue
9 PEOKNPLA 1 life using jeep after continue
10 TEOKNPLA 6 lives using jeep after continue
11 PEOKNPLE 9 lives using jeep after continue
12 PAXKEAAA Start at stage 2
13 ZAXKEAAA Start at stage 3
14 LAXKEAAA Start at stage 4
15 GAXKEAAA Start at stage 5
16 IAXKEAAA Start at stage 6
17 TAXKEAAA Start at stage 7
18 SZETZLSA Keep firepower and speed-ups for helicopter
19 SXOTPTSA Keep firepower and speed-ups for jeep
20 EEOVYUEI Restrict movement area for helicopter
21 EEOVGYEV Restrict movement area for jeep
Silkworm is a trademark of American Sammy Corp.

Silver Surfer(tm) Game
1 PAOILIIA 1 life for player 1
2 PAKSGIIA 1 life for player 2
3 IAXSGIPA Player 1 starts with 5 smart bombs
4 IAVIIIPA Player 2 starts with 5 smart bombs
5 SXEKSNVK Infinite lives for both players
6 NYVTLVGO Infinite smart bombs for both players
7 GXEITSSE Keep cosmic weapons after losing a life
8 GXEILSSE + GXKIOUSE Keep orbs after losing a life
9 IEESIIPA Have 5 smart bombs on a new life
Silver Surfer is a trademark of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
Used by Arcadia Systems, Inc. under license.

The Simpsons(tm): Bart(tm) vs. The Space Mutants Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 IPKYXUGA / IPUYVUGA Super-jumping Bart!(tm)
3 ANENPXGU / AYNNIXGU Slow down timer
4 AXENPXGL / AZNNIXGL Speed up timer
5 PAONAYAA / PAENGYAA Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected
6 PAONTNTE / PAOYZNTE Only 10 coins needed to get an
extra life
7 GXXZZOVK + GXXULEVK / Buy items for free!
The Simpsons and Bart are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox
Film Corporation. Used by Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. under license.

The Simpsons(tm): Bart Vs. The World(tm)
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZONIPST Infinite lives
2 SZVVEKVK Infinite energy
3 EISVNGEY Lose lives more easily
4 OLUNPPOP Infinite firecracker balls
5 PAEZPAAE Start with 99 firecracker balls
6 PAXXVGLE Start with 9 lives
7 SZNZPEVK Infinite tries for the card match game
The Simpsons and Bart are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox
Film Corporation. Bart Vs. The World is a trademark of Acclaim
Entertainment Inc.

The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAVAYYLA Start with 2 lives and 2 credits
2 IAVAYYLA Start with 6 lives and 6 credits
3 YAVAYYLA Start with 8 lives and 8 credits
4 PAVAYYLE Start with 10 lives and 10 credits
5 OLVYAZOP Infinite lives
6 SZENNEVK Infinite credits
7 ASVTOZAZ Laser bolts worth more on pick up
8 SXNNVEVK Infinite laser bolts
9 AAUY-PYGA Infinite energy
10 AXUVSZIA Cold breath worth more on pick up
11 AAKYKPPA Infinite cold breaths
12 OAKNUEEE Don't lose laser bolts when you die
13 EAKNVEOE Don't lose cold breaths when you die
14 ZAUZAYAA Start in chapter 1 level 2
15 IAUZAYAA Start in chapter 1 level 3
Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man and Bart are trademarks
of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Skate or Die 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXUXZPVG Infinite energy
2 SXVPTVVK Infinite paint clips
3 AANPZPPA + AAXOZLPA Infinite eggs
4 AAVPTLPA + AEEOAPPA Infinite M-80's
5 AEESAAPG + AAKATAPG Skate at any speed
6 PAUYLLLA Only 1 skateboard
7 TAUYLLLA 6 skateboards
8 PAUYLLLE 9 skateboards
9 SXKPVYVG + SXUZGAVG Infinite skateboards
10 TAONILLA More time
11 ZAONILLA Less time
12 SZUAKZVG Stop timer
13 TEKOKZIA Super speed
Skate or Die 2 is a trademark of Electronic Arts.

Ski or Die(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
Snowball Blast(tm)
1 ZENXTTPA More snowballs picked up
2 OOEPVAAV Start with more time
3 AKEPVAAT Start with less time
4 IOKXITAP More time gained
5 IEKXITAP Less time gained
6 GAUPVAZA Start with more ammo
7 PAUPVAZA Start with less ammo
Acro Aerials(tm)
8 IESTEYLA + IAVVNILA More jumps allowed
Ski or Die, Snowball Blast and Acro Aerials are trademarks of
Electronic Arts.

Skull & Crossbones (tm) Game
1 SZNOTNVK Infinite continues
2 PEXPTYIA 1 continue
3 PEXPTYIE 9 continues
4 POVPLYZU + POEPZYZU Half energy for Red Dog(tm) and One
5 LVVPLYZL + POEPZYZU Double energy for Red Dog and One Eye
6 EUVEYNEK + EUVAGNEK Better super jump
7 SUOEIVVS Infinite weapons
8 SZONGXVK Stop timer
9 AZONAXGL Faster timer
10 AYONAXGL Slower timer
Skull & Crossbones, Red Dog and One Eye are trademarks of Atari
Games. Used by Tengen, Inc. under license.

Sky Kid(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXEKGZVI Infinite lives
2 PANYNZLA Start with 1 life--both players
3 TANYNZLA Start with 6 lives--both players
4 PANYNZLE Start with 9 lives--both players
5 VANNVZSA Player 1 has more lives than player 2
6 AAOKIZPA Shoot more bullets
7 IAVNNZPA + GAVNUZAA Start at level 5
8 ZAVNNZPE + PAVNUZAE Start at level 10
9 APVNNZPA + YAVNUZAE Start at level 15
10 GPVNNZPA + LPVNUZAA Start at level 20
Sky Kid is a trademark of NAMCO Ltd.

Sky Shark(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OZNEAAVS Infinite lives
2 GXUEALVI Infinite bombs
3 GZNEIOVS Infinite credits
4 GZXATEOZ Start with 1 life--player 1
5 AAUALAGA Start with 1 life--player 2
6 TAXEZAXZ + PZXELENY Start with 9 lives--player 1
7 AAUALAGE Start with 9 lives--player 2
8 AAEELOGI Autofire
9 EZXAPPKZ + TAXAZOIL Start with maximum firepower
10 TAVPSTLA Double bombs
11 TAUAYALA Double credits
12 AANEZPGA 1 life after continue--both players
13 AANEZPGE 9 lives after continue--both players
Sky Shark is a trademark of Taito America Corporation

Slalom(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAOULZAA Ski super fast!
2 AAEPLIPA No track obstacles
3 XZXPATVZ + PAXPPVPN Timer at 5 minutes for all tracks
Slalom is a trademark of Nintendo of America & Rare Ltd.

Snake's Revenge(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AXXVGYAG Start with half bullets for Beretta M92
2 EEXVGYAG Start with double bullets for Beretta M92
3 SZEEOUSE Infinite Beretta ammo
4 SXOASKSE Infinite Shotgun ammo
5 SZKAKKSE Infinite Grenades
6 SXVEOKSE Infinite Missiles
7 XTNTZVEE Infinite ammo for all weapons
8 ZEOVAYPA + XKXVTYEG Start with Machine Gun instead of
9 GEOVAYPA+ KKXVTYEG Start with Shotgun instead of Beretta
10 AXOVAYPA+ VKXVTYEG Start with Grenades instead of
11 EEOVAYPA+ EKXVTYEK Start with Missiles instead of Beretta
12 SXKVKASA Infinite energy
13 XVUYTUZE + XTKZXKZE Play with less energy
14 AEUVOAYA Reduce your injuries by up to 50%
Snake's Revenge is a trademark of Ultra Software Corporation

Snake, Rattle 'N' Roll(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXEYOZVG Freeze timer
2 AGNNVXTT Faster timer
3 EPNNVXTT Slower timer
4 AEXAYZZA 1 life, both players
5 IEXAYZZA 6 lives, both players
6 AEXAYZZE 9 lives, both players
7 AEUAETZA 1 life, both players, after continue
8 IEUAETZA 6 lives, both players, after continue
9 AEUAETZE 9 lives, both players, after continue
10 PEUEGXNY Start at level 2
11 ZEUEGXNY Start at level 3
12 LEUEGXNY Start at level 4
13 GEUEGXNY Start at level 5
14 IEUEGXNY Start at level 6
15 TEUEGXNY Start at level 7
16 SLOUSVVS Infinite lives, both players
17 ZAXOSGPA Super jump
18 LAXOSGPA Mega-jump
Snake, Rattle n' Roll is a trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc.

Snow Brothers(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXNEUYVI Infinite number of chances
2 PAXXPLZE Start game with 10 chances instead of 3 (count
starts at 9 instead of 2)
3 AAXXPLZA Start game with 1 chance (count starts at 0)
4 PAOAYLZE Always get 10 chances after a continue (count
restarts at 9)
5 AAOAYLZA Always get 1 chance after a continue (count
restarts at 0)
6 PAEEYAAA Start with Speed Skates
7 ZAEEYAAA Start with Power Shots
8 GAEEYAAA Start with super snow-throwing ability
9 YAEEYAAE Start with Speed Skates, Power Shots and super
10 OUOOGEOO Don't lose super ability after you lose a chance
Snow Brothers is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.

Soccer(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 APOOKZIP Each half lasts only 10 minutes
2 AIOOKZIP Each half lasts for 50 minutes!
3 PASLVTAA + KASUOTSA + KASUUVSE Player 1 starts 1 goal
4 LASLVTAA + KASUOTSA + KASUUVSE Player 1 starts 3 goals

Solar Jetman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAKSZLGA Only 1 ship and 1 life
2 AAKSZLGE 8 ships and 8 lives
3 SZXONIVG Infinite lives
4 AEXXAVNY Minimum damage taken from walls
5 AEXZGVSY + AEXXAVNY No damage taken from walls
6 ZASSTLAA Start on level 3
7 IASSTLAA Start on level 6
8 AASSTLAE Start on level 9
9 ZASSTLAE Start on level 11
10 AASSZLPE Start with more money
11 AEUIOXYA + GXKSOZSA Items for free
12 SVEKOVON Weapons use up no energy
13 UNSPLSLE Reversed gravity for planet 1
14 VTSOZVTO Reversed gravity for planet 2
15 KVOPATGP Reversed gravity for planet 3
16 XNVOTSZE Reversed gravity for planet 4
17 ETXPGTAZ Reversed gravity for planet 5
18 OTUOYVPX Reversed gravity for planet 6
19 UTEOPTLZ Reversed gravity for planet 7
20 AOXOLVEV Normal gravity for planet 8
Solar Jetman is a trademark of Rare Coin-It, Inc. Used by Tradewest,
Inc. under license.

Solomon's Key(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 XTKKKEXK Infinite lives
2 GZOXLAAX Indestructible fireball
3 AAXZIALZ Continuous fairies
4 KAXOOEVE Start with 40,000 life points
5 GZUPTOSE Start on last level reached
6 VTUPTOSE Start on next level
7 SZUOPOSE + UPUOLPGA + PAUPIPAE Start on level 10
8 SZUOPOSE + UPUOLPGA + LPUPIPAA Start on level 20
9 SZUOPOSE + UPUOLPGA + IPUPIPAE Start on level 30
10 SZUOPOSE + UPUOLPGA + YZUPIPAA Start on level 40
Solomon's Key is a trademark of Tecmo, Inc.

Solstice(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSESXVK Infinite lives
2 PAKAVIGA Start with 1 life
3 AAKAVIGE Start with 8 lives
4 PAXELPLA 1 life after continue
5 AAXELPLE 8 lives after continue
6 GAOEUIZA Start with full flasks of potions
7 AAOEUIZA Start with no potions
8 SUSPIXVS Never use up potions
9 SXUXYGAX Multi-jumping
Solstice is a trademark of Software Creations (ROM Developments)

Spelunker(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 IXOOPSVK Infinite lives
2 AANATPZA Start with 1 life
3 IANATPZA Start with 6 lives
4 AANATPZE Start with 9 lives
5 AEXAYTAP Become invisible!
6 ATKPAIAZ + TUEEYKNN + GXOAPKIX Become invincible
Spelunker is a trademark of Broderbund Software, Inc.

Spy Hunter(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXKAYOVK Infinite lives
2 SZKUANVK Infinite missiles
3 VXELTVSE Infinite smoke
4 GXSAKUSE + GXSANUSE Keep special weapons
5 ZEEXKIAA Start with 2 extra lives
6 TEEXKIAA Start with 6 extra lives
7 TEEXLILA Double missiles on pick-up
8 YAEZNIYE Slow down timer
Spy Hunter is a trademark of Bally Midway Manufacturing Corp. Used
by Sun Corporation of America under license.

Spy vs Spy(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVAYUVK Stop black spy's clock
2 SXUELUVK Stop white spy's clock
3 PUEAPLIU Black spy has 100 seconds in a minute
4 PUSAILIU White spy has 100 seconds in a minute
5 ONVZYNUT Black spy has deadly punches
6 IEVZLYIE White spy has deadly punches
Spy vs Spy is a trademark of EC Publications Inc. Used by Kemco-
Seika Corporation under license.

Squoon (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEEAAIPA Infinite lives
2 AEUESLZA Start with 1 life
3 IEUESLZA Start with 6 lives
4 AEUESLZE Start with 9 lives
5 LASEXLPA Start at phase 3
6 IASEXLPA Start at phase 5
7 AASEXLPE Start at phase 8
8 GXEAKKSE + GXSUZXSE Never lose humans on dying
9 SZEEOSVK Never lose your special weapon
10 ZEOOEYPA Gain main weapon on rescuing 9 humans
Sqoon is a trademark of IREM Corp.

Star Soldier(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZOEAPVG Infinite lives
2 PEOAPPAA Start with laser
3 GXVPXTVG Infinite shield power
4 ZAOOOYIE + ZENOGLIE Double shield power
Star Soldier is a trademark of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.

StarTropics(tm) Game
1 SXETAKVK Infinite lives
2 PASTYZLA 1 life with a new character
3 TASTYZLA 6 lives with a new character
4 PAUTGILA 1 life after continue
5 TAUTGILA 6 lives after continue
6 SZNZGPAX + VZVZLOSV Infinite energy
7 PEXXYTIA + PEUZLTIA Only 1 star needed to restore energy
8 PEXXYTIE + PEUZLTIE 9 stars needed to restore energy
9 SUXXPSVS Infinite weapons
10 ZUVLZEPP Gain 50 fire weapons on pick-up
11 ZUSUYETP Gain 50 bat weapons on pick-up
12 IEUZZNGA Only 3 hearts needed to use shooting-star
13 AEOZPYTO Only 8 hearts needed to use super-nova
StarTropics is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Star Voyager(tm) Game

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZSZSTVG Infinite life support pods
2 GPKIASZA Start with double life support pods
3 TPKIASZE Start with triple life support pods
4 AASLSLLA Barrier won't take damage
5 AOKLVLEI Radar won't take damage
6 ENXLXLEI Cannon won't take damage
7 AAXUXLLA Engine won't take damage
Star Voyager is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.

Star Wars(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXAGAZA Start with 1 life

2 IAXAGAZA Start with 6 lives
3 AAXAGAZE Start with 9 lives
5 GZSYLSSO Immune to spikes
6 SLVUYNSO Immune to most bullets
7 GXNUZIST + SLKLYVSO Immune to most collisions
8 AAKLNGZA Full energy on big energy pick-ups
9 AAKLUGAX Less energy on big energy pick-ups
10 AGKLUGAZ More energy on big energy pick-ups
11 ZEOKOIPA + ZEKKXIPA Always running
Star Wars and the Empire are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.

Starforce(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKEVTVG Infinite lives
2 AEUAUIZA Start with 1 life
3 IEUAUIZA Start with 6 lives
4 AEUAUIZE Start with 9 lives
5 VYVEGONN Turbo speed
Starforce is a trademark of Tecmo, Inc.

Starship Hector(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKIOGVG Infinite lives
2 AANSOGZA Start with 1 life
3 IANSOGZA Start with 6 lives
4 AANSOGZE Start with 9 lives
5 GEVVGIPA Extra energy from capsules
6 OVUYEGSV + PEUYOGTA Take minimum damage
7 PENYGIAA Start at stage 2
8 ZENYGIAA Start at stage 3
9 LENYGIAA Start at stage 4
10 GENYGIAA Start at stage 5
Starship Hector is a trademark of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.

Star Trek 25th Anniversary (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 LEOOVGYE Kirk(tm) has more energy
2 GEOOVGYA Kirk has less energy
3 LAUXYAYE McCoy(tm) has more energy
4 GAUXYAYA McCoy has less energy
5 LAUZTAYE Spock(tm) has more energy
6 GAUZTAYA Spock has less energy
7 LAVZLAYE Security has more energy
8 LAKXAAYE Geologist has more energy
9 GAKXAAYA Geologist has less energy
10 LASXZAYE Biologist has more energy
11 GASXZAYA Biologist has less energy
12 LASZPAYE Historian has more energy
13 GASZPAYA Historian has less energy
14 YEKUYPGA McCoy gives full energy to injured party
Star Trek 25th Anniversary, Kirk, McCoy and Spock are trademarks of
Paramount Pictures.

Star Trek: The Next Generation(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OUXTPYOP All systems are immune to damage--shields down
2 SXUVTNSE Shields are immune to damage--shields up
3 AGKVTTEP Quicker damage repair
4 APKVTTEP Very quick damage repair
5 EGKVTTEP Slower damage repair
6 ZKNVLEZE Enemy does less damage
7 AAUZPAGY Photon Torpedoes(tm) always work
8 AAEXTPNY Phasers(tm) always work
9 AAOXPOKT Phasers fire for longer
10 AAVTZVIL Damage is repaired immediately
11 SXVUSTVG Transporter power does not decrease most of the
12 IANUXTAZ Less transporter power required most of the time
13 GVNZOZIT Stardate does not advance
Star Trek: The Next Generation, Photon Torpedoes and Phaser are
trademarks of Paramount Pictures.

Stealth ATF(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVZSSVK Infinite missiles
2 AOUXXEAA Start with double missiles
3 SZVPXNVV No damage taken from enemy's bullets
4 AVUXNAVP Start with less fuel
5 AEKZZLZE More enemy planes on the screen
Stealth ATF is a trademark of Activision, Inc.

Stinger(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZOGIGSA + PAEGPLPA Start at stage 2
2 GZOGIGSA + ZAEGPLPA Start at stage 3
3 GZOGIGSA + LAEGPLPA Start at stage 4
4 GZOGIGSA + GAEGPLPA Start at stage 5
5 GZOGIGSA + IAEGPLPA Start at stage 6
6 YGNGAKTL + PAVKTGAP Start with Dual Cannons
7 YGNGAKTL + ZAVKTGAP Start with Laser
8 YGNGAKTL + GAVKTGAP Start with Shoot Right
9 YGNGAKTL + AAVKTGAO Start with Shoot Left
10 YGNGAKTL + APVKTGAP Start with Five Direction Firing
11 YGNGAKTL + AZVKTGAP Start with Three Direction Firing
12 YGNGAKTL + AGVKTGAP Start with Force field
13 GZNGNLSP Keep weapons after death
14 PAXKPGLA Start with 1 life
15 TAXKPGLA Start with 6 lives
16 PAXKPGLE Start with 9 lives
17 OZVKKLVS Infinite lives
Stinger is a trademark of Konami Inc.

Street Cop(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 TAOVTXPA Less time on the timer
2 ZPOVTXPA More time on the timer
3 SZSNTAVG Stop timer
4 GXESTZST Immune to damage
5 OVESTZSV + PEESYZAP Take minimum damage
6 AONGNAAU Start with less energy
7 AVNGNAAL Start with more energy
8 PAXTPPAA Start at level 2
9 ZAXTPPAA Start at level 3
10 LAXTPPAA Start at level 4
Street Cop is a trademark of Bandai America, Inc.

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAEETAGA Start with 1 life
2 PAEETAGE Start with 9 lives
3 SZUATPVG Infinite lives
4 AEUIPGZA Become invincible!
5 PEUIPGZA Take less damage
6 LEUIPGZA Take more damage
7 GZOAZPSA Keep power-ups after losing a life
8 AEKIYGZA Keep power-ups when hit
9 ZESESPPA Faster Ken(tm)
Street Fighter 2010: the Final Fight and Ken are trademarks of
Capcom U.S.A., Inc.

Strider(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAUXEYPE More energy from small capsules (10)
2 GPUXXNZA More energy from big capsules (20)
3 ZAUXKYPE Health from small capsules (10)
4 GPUXVNZA Health from big capsules (20)
5 ZAEXVNAO Double health and energy from all capsules
Strider is a trademark of Capcom.

Stunt Kids(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AESGNZZA Start with 1 life instead of 3
2 IESGNZZA Start with 6 lives
3 PESGNZZE Start with 9 lives
4 SZSZSKVK Infinite lives
5 AEESPALA Start with 0 turbos instead of 3
6 TEESPALA Start with 6 turbos
7 PEESPALE Start with 9 turbos
8 VANILVKE Always have 9 coins after a race
9 SZKOEOVV Coins worth nothing on pick up
10 SLNOYXVS Infinite time--player 1
11 SLXOYUVS Infinite time--player 2
Stunt Kids is a trademark of Codemasters Software Company Ltd.

Super Bowl(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 APUXLZIA 10 minutes per quarter instead of 5
2 PUXLZIA 15 minutes per quarter
3 AZUXLZIA 20 minutes per quarter
4 ZAUXLZIA 2 minutes per quarter
5 SXNXPZVG Freeze timer for continuous play (Press RESET to
6 AAOATTTA Touchdown scores 0 instead of 6--player 1
7 AEOEVITA Touchdown scores 0--player 2 or computer
8 LAOATTTA Touchdown scores 3--player 1
9 LEOEVITA Touchdown scores 3--player 2 or computer
10 PAOATTTE Touchdown scores 9--player 1
11 PEOEVITE Touchdown scores 9--player 2 or computer
12 GAOATTTE Touchdown scores 12--player 1
13 GEOEVITE Touchdown scores 12--player 2 or computer
14 AAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 0 instead of 1--player 1
15 AEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 0--player 2 or computer
16 ZAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 2--player 1
17 ZEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 2--player 2 or computer
18 LAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 3--player 1
19 LEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 3--player 2 or computer
20 TAEALYPA Extra-point kick scores 6--player 1
21 TEEEUTPA Extra-point kick scores 6--player 2 or computer
22 AEKAGGLA Field goal scores 0 instead of 3--player 1
23 AAKEKGLA Field goal scores 0--player 2 or computer
24 PEKAGGLA Field goal scores 1--player 1
25 PAKEKGLA Field goal scores 1--player 2 or computer
26 TEKAGGLA Field goal scores 6--player 1
27 TAKEKGLA Field goal scores 6--player 2 or computer
28 PEKAGGLE Field goal scores 9--player 1
29 PAKEKGLE Field goal scores 9--player 2 or computer
30 AASASIZA Safety scores 0 instead of 2--player 1
31 AEKEIIZA Safety scores 0--player 2 or computer
32 PASASIZA Safety scores 1--player 1
33 PEKEIIZA Safety scores 1--player 2 or computer
34 GASASIZA Safety scores 4--player 1
35 GEKEIIZA Safety scores 4--player 2 or computer
36 TASASIZA Safety scores 6--player 1
37 TEKEIIZA Safety scores 6--player 2 or computer
Super Bowl is a trademark of the National Football League. Used by
Tecmo, Inc. under license.

Super C(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEXTLIZA 1 life for both players
2 IEXTLIZA 6 lives for both players
3 AEXTLIZE 9 lives for both players
4 EUUTGIYS + YSXTPSEL + ZEUTZIAA Start game with Spray Gun
5 EUUTGIYS + YSXTPSEL + GEUTZIAA Start game with Fireball
6 PEETLIAA Start at area 2
7 ZEETLIAA Start at area 3
8 LEETLIAA Start at area 4
9 GEETLIAA Start at area 5
10 IEETLIAA Start at area 6
11 TEETLIAA Start at area 7
12 AENTTTZA Bonus life for each enemy soldier shot
13 TEEVIIZA 9 continues
14 SZOVXZVG Infinite continues
Super C is a trademark of Konami Inc.

Super Mario Bros.(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
Codes 1 to 5 let you adjust lives. Code 4 is really good for
handicapping one player.
1 AATOZA Start players 1 & 2 with 1 life
2 IATOZA Start players 1 & 2 with 6 lives
3 AATOZE Start players 1 & 2 with 9 lives
4 VATOLE Start player 1 with 8 lives and player 2 with 3
5 SXIOPO Infinite lives for both players
Super and Mega-jumps can be achieved while standing still, running
or turbo running (holding down button B). Try entering Codes 6, 7 and
8 or Codes 9, 10 and 11 for all-around Super- or Mega-jumping.
Super jumps let you jump better--the effect is especially noticeable
when turbo running.
6 APZLGK Super jump from a standing start only
7 TPZLTG Super jump from running only
8 GPZUAG Super jump from turbo running only
Mega-jumps enable you to jump almost to the top of the screen--
right off the top when
turbo running!
9 APZLGG Mega-jump from a standing start only
10 APZLTG Mega-jump from running only
11 GAZUAG Mega-jump from turbo running only
Moon gravity is a brilliant ability! It has weird and wonderful
effects. Again, it works when stationary, running, or turbo running.
The Moon gravity effect is more fun than Super- or Mega-jumps, but
it is harder to get used to. Stay with it and you'll find that it gives
the game an added twist!
You can control the height of your Moon jumps. To jump really high,
tap button A really quickly. To do low jumps hold down button A for
about one second.
Use this power to find new places to explore. You can even jump over
the flags! (If you're playing to complete the game rather than just
explore it, don't jump over the flagpoles--or else you'll get "stuck"
and have to reset.)
12 YAZULG Moon Gravity from a standing start
13 YAZUIG Moon Gravity from a running start
14 YAZUYG Moon Gravity from turbo running only
Code 15 will keep you big. However, you can still die if you fall down
15 OZTLLX + AATLGZ + SZLIVO Always stay big
Codes 16 to 22 allow you to start on any World of your choice!
16 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + PEAPYA Start on World 2
17 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + ZEAPYA Start on World 3
18 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + LEAPYA Start on World 4
19 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + GEAPYA Start on World 5
20 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + IEAPYA Start on World 6
21 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + TEAPYA Start on World 7
22 YSAOPE + YEAOZA + YEAPYA Start on World 8
Super Mario Bros. is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Super Mario Bros.(tm) 2 Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZNESXVK Infinite lives
2 GZELVXSE Infinite life meter (except if you hit a spike)
3 GOEANKAO + USEEEKKA Walk backwards
4 SXUASXOU Quick pick up
5 AEUEKKGL Special "squat" high jumps
6 PPXAOIAA Princess has mega-float
7 PAXAOIAA Princess has mega-float and lunar descent
8 PESEGLGA Super moonjumps for Mario(tm)
9 AAEEZGPA Mega moonjumps for Luigi(tm)
10 PENALLGA Super moonjumps for Toad(tm)
11 PAXAPGGA Super moonjumps for Princess(tm)
12 XVVANSZK + XVNEXSZV Super turbo running
13 AEVAVIIA + AENEEITA Permanent turbo running
14 AXSETUAO + ESVAPUEV Super fast run for Mario
15 AZEEGKAO + EIEEYKEV Super fast run for Luigi
16 AXNAIUAO + ESNEAUEV Fast run for Toad
17 AZXALKAO + EIXATKEV Super fast run for Princess
18 AEXALGZA Speed up enemies
19 AXNAZSAA + EVNALSEY Super speed enemies
NOTE: There are two versions given for some of the following Codes.
If one code doesn't work on your game, then try the alternate Code.
20 YESUAPTE / YESLPPTE Strong Wart(tm)
21 IAVENYZE / IAVEUYZE Strong Birdetta(tm)
22 YAXXIYZE Strong Tryclyde(tm)
23 YAVXVGGE Strong Fryguy(tm)
24 YAEXTPGE Strong Clawgrip(tm)
25 YEVXVYLE / YEVZNYLE Strong Hawkmouth(tm)
26 AAVENYZA / AAVEUYZA Weak Birdetta
27 TPEPLAAX / TONENYAX Birdetta spits eggs instead of
fireballs (appears in late levels of the game)
28 PEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 2 *
29 ZEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 3 *
30 LEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 4 *
31 GEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 5 *
32 IEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 6 *
33 TEEPUZAG + IUEPSZAA + TEEPVZPA Start on World 7 *
Super Mario Bros., Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, Wart, Birdetta,
Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip and Hawkmouth are trademarks of
Nintendo of America Inc.

Super Mario Bros.(tm) 3 Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SLXPLOVS Infinite lives for Mario(tm) and Luigi(tm)
2 AEKPTZGA 1 life for Mario and Luigi after continue
3 AEKPTZGE 9 lives for Mario and Luigi after continue
4 ELKZYVEK Power Jumps
5 EZKZYVEK Super Power Jumps
6 EAKZYVEK Mega Power Jumps
7 GZUXNGEI Multi-Jumps
8 SXEZSKOZ Skywalker
STAR CODES! (these codes work really well together)
9 OXKZELSX Super speed running
10 XVUXNUEE Turbocharged running
11 AANZKLLA Can raise power meter while
standing still so that you can fly
from a standing start
12 PEUZUGAA Start on World 2
13 ZEUZUGAA Start on World 3
14 LEUZUGAA Start on World 4
15 GEUZUGAA Start on World 5
16 IEUZUGAA Start on World 6
17 TEUZUGAA Start on World 7
18 YEUZUGAA Start on World 8
19 YPXXLVGE Mario (not Luigi) can re-use items again and again
20 SZUEXNSO Restore powers after playing an action scene (e.g.
if you were "Fire Mario(tm)" on the map screen, then entered an
action scene, died or changed to "Frog Mario(tm),"you would return
to the map scene as "Fire Mario")
The following codes are useful with Code 20.
21 ZEUXKGAA Start the game as Fire Mario
22 LEUXKGAA Start the game as Raccoon Mario(tm)
23 GEUXKGAA Start the game as Frog Mario
24 IEUXKGAA Start the game as Tanooki Mario(tm)
25 TEUXKGAA Start the game as 'Sledgehammer' Mario(tm)!
26 XUKXGLIE Start and stay as Super Mario(tm)
27 UXKXGLIA Start and stay as Fire Mario
28 nxkxglie Start and stay as Raccoon Mario(tm)!
29 oukxglie Start and stay as Frog Mario
30 xnkxglie Start and stay as Sledgehammer Mario(tm)
31 SZKIKXSE Invincibility after changing up from Super Mario
(e.g. to Raccoon, Frog, etc.)
With all of the following codes, you will find that you change into
Super Mario
if you die again:
32 AEOSSZPA + PAOZTGAA Change to SUPER MARIO if you fall
off screen and die
33 AEOSSZPA + ZAOZTGAA Change to FIRE MARIO if you fall
off screen and die
fall off screen and die
35 AEOSSZPA + GAOZTGAA Change to FROG MARIO if you fall
off screen and die
fall off screen and die
if you fall off screen and die
All codes (except as noted) work for Luigi as well as Mario.
Super Mario Bros., Mario, Mario Land, Luigi, Fire Mario, Raccoon
Mario, Frog Mario, Tanooki Mario, Sledgehammer Mario, Super Mario
and Bowzer are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.

Super Pitfall(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKSASVK Infinite lives--1-player game
2 SXESTSVK Infinite lives--player 1
3 SXXSZSVK Infinite lives--player 2
4 PAVIPALA Both players start with 1 life
5 TAVIPALA Both players start with 6 lives
6 PAVIPALE Both players start with 9 lives
7 LEXKNYZA Start with 30 bullets
8 PEXKNYZA Start with 10 bullets
9 AEOYILPA Infinite bullets
10 LENLELZA 30 bullets gained on pick-up
11 PENLELZA 10 bullets gained on pick-up
Super Pitfall is a trademark of Activision, Inc.

Super Sprint(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZETVUVK Infinite continues
2 YASSPALA 6 continues
3 PASSPALA No continues
4 IEKKNTAA + GXSGUVSE More obstacles on tracks
5 ZEKKNTAE + GXSGUVSE Even more obstacles on tracks
6 YEKKNTAE + GXSGUVSE Lots and lots of obstacles on
Super Sprint is a trademark of Atari Games Corporation. Used by
Tengen under license.

Superman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXSEIEA Never die when out of super power
2 SXNSSKSE Never lose super power
3 XVUVYZIA Start with lots of super power
4 AVEOUIAL Double max power of all items at start
5 AXUPYLAP Double usual item power on item power
crystal pick-up
6 EXUPYLAP Full item power on item power crystal pick-up
7 EZVPKSOZ + PAVPSIAA + KANPXSSE Start at mission 2
8 EZVPKSOZ + ZAVPSIAA + KANPXSSE Start at mission 3
9 EZVPKSOZ + LAVPSIAA + KANPXSSE Start at mission 4
10 EZVPKSOZ + GAVPSIAA + KANPXSSE Start at mission 5
Superman is a trademark of DC Comics Inc. Used by Kemco Seika
Corp. under license.

Swords & Serpents(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 TPXGNVZE + TPXKSVZE Start with 30 health points each
2 ZLXGNVZA + ZLXKSVZA Start with 50 health points each
3 VANGKTVE All characters have Scale Armor
4 UEEKSTOE Warriors start with a Great Sword
5 KEEKSTOE Warriors start with a Great Axe
6 SEEGETSE Magicians start with a Wizard's Wand
7 YPKGSTLE Magicians start with more spells
8 LAKKXTAA Magicians have greater spells
9 GZKYLGOY Spells use up no magic points
10 XEOGVTXE Thieves start with a Long Sword
11 KEOGVTXA Thieves start with an Axe
Swords and Serpents is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.

T2(tm) Terminator(tm) 2: Judgment Day(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOATOVK Infinite lives
2 PANXPLGA Start with 1 life
3 PANXPLGE Start with 9 lives
4 GXVTXZAX Infinite life energy
5 OXNVKXPK + VNNVSXNN Take minimal damage
6 XNVOSOKN Super jump
7 PAOOVZZA + PAUOXZZA Slower running
8 LAOOVZZA + LAUOXZZA Faster running
9 LESPKGZA + LEVPEGZA Faster and longer jumping
T2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day and T-1000 are trademarks of
Carolco Pictures Inc. Used by LJN under license.

T & C Surf Designs(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . KEY IN . . .
1 GXUZZZVG Infinite lives for skating
2 GXNKALVG Infinite lives for surfing
3 PEOGILZA When surfing lose only 1 symbol
4 PAEZYALA When skating lose only 1 symbol if you
fall into the ocean or a crack
5 GXKLXAVG Stop timer
6 LESPGZPA Increase time
T & C Surf Designs is a trademark of Town & Country Surf Shop Inc.
Used by LJN Toys, Ltd. under license.

Tale Spin(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AYVKZYLY Start with 1 life
2 TYVKZYLY Start with 7 lives
3 PYVKZYLN Start with 10 lives
4 ANNGVLLY 1 life after continue
5 TNNGVLLY 7 lives after continue
6 PNNGVLLN 10 lives after continue
7 GZKGNKVK Infinite lives from getting trapped by obstacles
8 AAXEGPTA Infinite energy
9 PYEGITLY 1 continue
10 TYEGITLY 6 continues
11 PYEGITLN 9 continues
12 SXNKXLVG Infinite continues
13 PYVGUAAY Add $1,000,000 to end-of-level bonus
Tale Spin is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company.

Target: Renegade(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZEAOZVG Freeze timer
2 SXEATXSU Set timer to 5:00 for all levels
3 SXEATXSU + NKEEAZEE Set timer to 3:00 for all levels
4 AEKESZZA Hearts replenish energy to maximum
5 SXVZVTSA Don't take most damage
6 TASPSPGP Take half damage from bosses
7 PAOOYZAA Start on level 2
8 ZAOOYZAA Start on level 3
9 LAOOYZAA Start on level 4
10 GAOOYZAA Start on level 5
11 IAOOYZAA Start on level 6
12 TAOOYZAA Start on level 7
Target: Renegade is a trademark of Ocean Software Ltd.

Tecmo Bowl(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAXAYIGA + ZAXOTPGA Only 2 downs allowed
2 TAXAYIGA + TAXOTPGA 6 downs allowed
3 GAOATSPA More time for the 1st Quarter
Tecmo Bowl is a trademark of Tecmo, Inc.

Tecmo(tm) NBA(tm) Basketball Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SLVUPUVS Infinite timeouts
2 AEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 1, 3-pt. shots worth 2
3 ZEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 3, 3-pt. shots worth 4
4 LEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 4, 3-pt. shots worth 5
5 GEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 5, 3-pt. shots worth 6
6 IEOLVPPA 2-pt. shots worth 6, 3-pt. shots worth 7
7 AVNUVOVT 3-pt. shots worth 2 pts.
8 NYSENZYE 5-second violations become 10-second violations
9 NYOPTNZE No 10-second violations
10 ASOLSEAO Longer shot clock after getting ball on rebound
11 AEOLSEAO Shorter shot clock after getting ball on rebound
Tecmo is a trademark of Tecmo, Ltd. NBA is a trademark of NBA
Properties, Inc.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZENOATGO Pick up 10 weapons only
2 ZUNOATGP Pick up 50 weapons at a time!
3 GXSOUAST Don't take most damage
4 SXVZGSOO Don't take damage from non-killing seaweed
5 AEOOGTZA Full energy boost from pizza slices
6 GPUOLNZA 20 missiles on pick-up
7 TAKOPYLA Double rope on pick-up
8 SXVXTLVG Never lose rope
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a trademark of Mirage Studios, USA.
Used by Ultra Software Corp. under license.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(tm) II: The Arcade Game(tm)
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEOIAPZA Start with 1 life
2 TEOIAPZA Start with 6 lives
3 PEOIAPZE Start with 9 lives
4 AAEAULPA Infinite lives
5 PEXTKZZE More powerful turtle weapon
6 PEOVKZGE More powerful 'jump + attack'
7 ZEOVKZGA Weaker 'jump + attack'
8 PEXTEZLE More powerful kick
9 PEXTEZLA Weaker kick
10 SXEAPZVG + SZUAYZVG In two-turtle mode, when one
player is revived the other player's spare life won't get used up
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II and The Arcade Game are trademarks
of Mirage Studios, U.S.A. Used by Ultra Software Corporation
under license.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III-The Manhattan Project(tm)
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AENKLZPA Infinite lives
2 AEOAALLA Start with 1 life instead of 4
3 IEOAALLA Start with 6 lives
AEOAALLE Start with 9 lives
5 SLXUTXVS + SLKXPKSO Infinite energy
6 AAESYXAA No energy loss from using turbo attack
7 ALUGVYAG High jump
8 AZUGVYAK Super jump
9 AZUGVYAG Mega jump
10 SXNSKKVK Infinite continues instead of 3
11 PAUZOGLA 1 continue
12 PAUZOGLE 9 continues
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - The Manhattan Project is a
trademark of Mirage Studios.

Terra Cresta(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKVPTVG Infinite lives
2 AAKSPGZA Start with 1 life
3 IAKSPGZA Start with 6 lives
4 AAKSPGZE Start with 9 lives
5 SXSTULVG Infinite "ship formation" splits
6 PEOTEALE + PEKGETLE 9 "ship formation" splits
7 KTKSLGAZ Indestructible!
8 AEVKNYLA A secret mega-weapon
Terra Cresta is a trademark of Vic Tokai, Inc.

Tetris(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ENEALYNN Two-player interactive game!
2 APSEGYIZ Need only complete 10 lines in game B
3 AISEGYIZ Must complete 50 lines in game B
4 EASEGYIZ Must complete 80 lines in game B
5 PASAUPPE Faster 'forced' fall rate
Tetris is a trademark of V/O Electronorgtechnica (Elorg). Used by
Nintendo of America Inc. under license

Tetris 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1-Player Game Codes:
1 AAUEUSSO Speed does not increase

2 VNUEUSSO Speed increases much faster
3 TEXAKYPA Start and stay at speed of 25
4 ZEKESSPP + PESAOSAP Maximum speed is 2 instead of 25
5 ZEKESSPO + PESAOSAO Maximum speed is 10
6 YEKESSPO + TESAOSAO Maximum speed is 1
7 GOKESSPP + LOSAOSAP Maximum speed is 20
1-Player vs 2-Player or
1-Player vs Computer Game Codes:
8 OZNETPOU + PANEYPAA Every round starts with 4 fixed
9 OZNETPOU + YANEYPAA Every round starts with 10 fixed
10 OZNETPOU + GANEYPAE Every round starts with 15 fixed
11 OZNETPOU + PPNEYPAA Every round starts with 20 fixed
All Games Codes:
12 AAVZVYEA Cannot pause game with START button
13 AVEXOYXZ Do not hide remaining pieces during pause
(current and next are still hidden)
Tetris 2 is a trademark of Elorg.

Thunderbirds(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXNTOVVK Don't lose life points when colliding with enemy
2 SZUVUNVK Don't lose life points when hit
3 SXNVVVVK Don't lose energy points when colliding with enemy
4 SZKVENVK Don't lose energy points when hit
5 ATXEANAA + ATXEGNAA Limited forward movement
6 GEXETTZA + GEXEZTZA Faster craft
7 EZUAETEG + XTUAKVEK Full firepower on first pick up
8 PSEKIVGL 81 Days to defeat Hood(tm)
9 TOEKIVGU 30 Days to defeat Hood
Thunderbirds and Hood are trademarks of ITC Distribution.

Thundercade(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXVYPZVI Infinite lives
2 PAOYIILA Start with 1 life
3 TAOYIILA Start with 6 lives
4 PAOYIILE Start with 9 lives
5 AAUNLIPP Infinite missiles
6 GZXYZTVI Infinite bombs
7 TENNPZLA Start with double bombs
8 PENNPZLE Start with triple bombs
9 ZANYGSZA Autofire!
Thundercade is a trademark of American Sammy Corporation.

Tiger Heli(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSYAEGK Don't take damage
2 SLXLGNVS Infinite lives--1-player game
3 AEUUYTZA Start with 2 lives--1-player game
4 AEUUYTZE Start with 9 lives--1-player game
5 SUKLINVS + SUVULNVS Infinite lives--both players
6 IASUYYZA Start with 6 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
7 AASUYYZE Start with 9 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
8 IANLZYZA Start with 6 lives--player 2
9 AANLZYZE Start with 9 lives--player 2
10 LASNVVZA Extra life every 5 bonus blocks
11 XTVLUEZK Start with 2 little-helis after dying
12 TEKNAXIA Autofire capability
13 ZEKNAXIA Burstfire capability
14 GXVNZLZP Turbo boost
Tiger Heli is a trademark of Taito America Corporation.

Time Lord(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZUKSKVK Infinite lives
2 PEEKYPLA Start with 1 life
3 TEEKYPLA Start with 6 lives
4 PEEKYPLE Start with 9 lives
NOTE: DO NOT use Codes 5 and 6 together
Time Lord is a trademark of Milton Bradley Company

Tiny Toon Adventures(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXKUYZA Start with 1 life
2 IAXKUYZA Start with 6 lives
3 AAXKUYZE Start with 9 lives
4 AEXZNZZA 1 life after continue
5 IEXZNZZA 6 lives after continue
6 AEXZNZZE 9 lives after continue
7 YYXIXXLU Slow down timer
8 YPXIXXLU Speed up timer
9 SZOOSVVK Infinite energy after collecting one heart
10 SZNOUNVK Infinite lives
11 AEEPPYPA Pick up more hearts
12 VASGOYSA + XZXKNNOZ + IAUGEYPA Start on level 2
13 VASGOYSA + XZXKNNOZ + ZAUGEYPE Start on level 3
14 VASGOYSA + XZXKNNOZ + YAUGEYPE Start on level 4
15 VASGOYSA + XZXKNNOZ + GPUGEYPA Start on level 5
Tiny Toon Adventures is a trademark of Warner Bros. Inc. Used by
Konami Co. Ltd. under license.

Tiny Toon Adventures 2(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAEYPYPA Start with 20 tickets instead of 10
2 IAEYPYPA Start with 50 tickets instead of 10
3 PAEYPYPE Start with 90 tickets instead of 10
4 VVVNAVSE Start with 110 tickets instead of 10
5 SXUXVXVK Protection against hits on log ride
6 SZSEASVK Protection against hits on train
7 SZOOUXVK Protection against hits on bumper cars
8 SXKAYUVK Protection against hits on roller coaster
9 SZSALOVK Protection against hits in fun house
10 AANPYPLA Log ride costs nothing instead of 3 tickets
11 IANPYPLA Log ride costs 5 tickets
12 AANPIPZA Train costs nothing instead of 2 tickets
13 IANPIPZA Train costs 5 tickets
14 AANPPPGA Roller coaster costs nothing instead of 4 tickets
15 TANPPPGA Roller coaster costs 6 tickets
16 AANPLPPA Bumper cars cost nothing instead of 1 ticket
17 GANPLPPA Bumper cars cost 4 tickets
18 AANOZPIA Fun house costs nothing instead of
50 normal tickets
19 PANOZPIA Fun house costs 10 normal tickets
20 PANOZPIE Fun house costs 90 normal tickets
Tiny Toon Adventures 2 is a trademark of Warner Bros. A TWE Co.

To The Earth(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAEUXTGA Your shots use up no energy
2 ZAEUXTGA Your shots use up less energy
3 AAEUXTGE Your shots use up more energy
4 AEUVEYGP Enemy bombs do no damage
5 AEUVEYGO Enemy bombs do half damage
6 AXUVEYGO Enemy bombs do more damage
7 GOEUEVZA Bonus energy for shooting enemy
8 GEEUEVZA Less energy for shooting enemy
9 AEEUEVZA No energy for shooting enemy
To The Earth is a trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc.

Tom and Jerry(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PASNVZLA Start with 1 life
2 TASNVZLA Start with 6 lives
3 PASNVZLE Start with 9 lives
4 SXSNYEVK Infinite lives
5 AEXYPAPA Infinite energy
6 LEXYPAPA Minimum energy--one touch kills!
7 AEVYKPAE Start on world 2
8 AOVYKPAA Start on world 3
9 AOVYKPAE Start on world 4
10 AXVYKPAA Start on world 5
Tom and Jerry, Tom and Tuffy are trademarks of Turner
Entertainment Co.

Toobin'(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXUTGIVG Infinite lives
2 PAOTZTLA Start with 2 lives
3 TAOTZTLA Start with 6 lives
4 PAOTZTLE Start with 9 lives
5 SZEZZIVG Infinite cans
6 ZPOTTTTA Start with 18 cans
7 GAOTTTTE Start with 12 cans
8 PAOTTTTA Start with 1 can
9 ALKXTAAZ + ALVXLAAZ Turbo left and right movement
10 PAOZEAAA Start on level 2
11 LAOZEAAA Start on level 4
12 IAOZEAAA Start on level 6
13 YAOZEAAA Start on level 8--
Toobin' is a trademark of Atari Games. Used by Tengen under license.

Top Gun(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXKIKIVG Infinite missiles
2 ASEKTOAZ Take off with double Hound missiles
3 AXEKYPGO Take off with double Wolf missiles
4 GOOGAOZA Take off with double Tiger missiles
5 GXUSNGVG Infinite fuel

6 IANKLOZA Start with half fuel
7 AEKSNLLa Immune to bullets (but not missiles!)
8 ZAEGLPPA Start on mission 2
9 LAEGLPPA Start on mission 3
10 GAEGLPPA Start on mission 4
Top Gun is a trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Used by
Konami Inc. under license.

Top Gun(tm) (The Second Mission) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVYLIVG Infinite lives
2 PASYALLA Start with 1 life
3 TASYALLA Start with 6 lives
4 PASYALLE Start with 9 lives
5 AAKEUYPA Infinite missiles--1-player game
6 AENAZIPA Infinite missiles--2-player game
7 KUVZTIKO 60 Phoenix missiles--1-player game
8 KOVXTISA 20 Phoenix missiles--2-player game
Top Gun is a trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Used by
Konami Inc. under license.

Total Recall(tm) Game
1 AVNVOAKZ Infinite energy!
2 OZNKEPSX + ALNKOOLZ Start with less energy
3 OZNKEPSX + NYNKOOLX Start with more energy
4 GXUIIXSO Most enemies easier to kill
5 PENVKEGE Take less damage
6 XYUVNUXT Gain maximum energy from canisters
Total Recall is a trademark of Carolco Pictures, Inc. Used by Acclaim
Entertainment, Inc. under license.

Totally Rad(tm) Game
1 SZSEYXVK Infinite lives
2 AEUXSTZA Start with 1 life
3 IEUXSTZA Start with 6 lives
4 AEUXSTZE Start with 9 lives
5 SVVNTKON Don't lose energy from bad guys
6 GXXAPKSN Infinite magic
7 AOOAYGAO Super jump
8 YOOAYGAO Mega-jump!
9 TEEONALA Half a life or half magic give full energy
10 SZVAYIVG Immune to fire and water!
Totally Rad is a trademark of Jaleco USA, Inc.

Trojan(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PENKXPLA Start with 1 life--player 1
2 PAOKNZLA Start with 1 life--player 2
3 TENKXPLA Start with 6 lives--player 1
4 TAOKNZLA Start with 6 lives--player 2
5 PENKXPLE Start with 9 lives--player 1
6 PAOKNZLE Start with 9 lives--player 2
7 YASGUUAE Start with an energy boost
8 TPSGUUAE Start with a super energy boost
9 GASGUUAA Start with half usual energy
10 PASKELZA Set timer to 1:00
11 GXEPGKVS Freeze timer
Trojan is a trademark of Capcom USA, Inc.

Twin Cobra(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZVSGXVK Infinite lives
2 SZNYXOVK Infinite bombs
3 AEUGZIZA Start with 1 life
4 IEUGZIZA Start with 6 lives
5 AEUGZIZE Start with 9 lives
6 AANKLTZA Start with 1 life after a continue
7 IANKLTZA Start with 6 lives after a continue
8 AANKLTZE Start with 9 lives after a continue
9 AAKKYTPA Infinite continues
10 PEOKIIIE 9 continues
11 ZAEGKILE Start with 9 bombs
12 GPEGKILA Start with 20 bombs
13 ZANIAZLE 9 bombs after dying
14 GPNIAZLA 20 bombs after dying
15 AAOYVOLP Autofire
16 GZNITZSA Keep weapon type after death
17 GZNSAZSA Keep super chargers after death
Twin Cobra is a trademark of American Sammy Corporation.

Twin Eagle(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXOSVPVG Infinite lives--player 1
2 YEETIPLA Start with 7 lives--both players
3 GEETIPLA Start with 4 lives--both players
4 PEETIPLA Start with 1 life--both players
5 SXNSXSVK Infinite bombs on pick-up--player 1
6 SZSIXNVK Infinite bombs on pick-up--player 2
7 EYKVVUSA + YAKVNLKZ Never lose weapons--player 1
8 ENXVKUSA + YEXVSLSZ Never lose weapons--player 2
9 PAEKXTLA Player 1 has 1 life after a continue
10 GAEKXTLA Player 1 has 4 lives after a continue
11 YAEKXTLA Player 1 has 7 lives after a continue
Twin Eagle is a trademark of Romstar Incorporated.

Ultima Exodus(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZUKOGST Take no damage from most monsters
2 AEOAKVAA No limit on stat points
3 YKEAUVTZ + LKUAVYZU + LGSOPAZU 75 stat points to
start, not 50
4 lseauvtx + ysuavyzu + yisopazu9 5 stat points to start, not
5 IEOPTPPA Start with 5 of each item
6 ZEOPTPPE Start with 10 of each item
7 EKEOAPGV Start with 200 GPs
8 ZEEOAPGT + PUEPTPAL Start with 512 GPs
9 AAXIAPPA Never lose tools
10 KPVSUZOP Never lose magic
11 AAUEPYPA + OLUAGYOI Rapid magic recovery
Ultima Exodus is a trademark of Richard Garriot. Used by Fujisankei
Communications International, Inc., under license.

Ultima, Quest of the Avatar(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AZKPTIPA Start with 8336 Gold Pieces instead of 400
2 APKPTIPA Start with 4240 Gold Pieces
3 AAKPTIPA Start with 144 Gold Pieces (for experts)
4 ZEVPTIAA Mage starts with 712 Hit Points instead of 200
5 PAOPTTAA Mage starts with 381 Experience points
instead of 125
6 AXNOIIAP Mage starts with Strength of 32
instead of 16
7 GTXPIVAA Start with 100 Ash instead of 8
8 GTXPTVAA Start with 100 Ginseng instead of 8
9 GTXPYVPA Start with 100 Garlic instead of 9
10 GTXOATYA Start with 100 Silkweb instead of 7
11 GTXOPVAA Start with 100 Moss instead of 8
12 GTXOZTGA Start with 100 Pearl instead of 4
13 GTXOLTAA Start with 100 Fungus instead of none
14 GTXOGTAA Start with 100 Manroot instead of none
15 AEKITITG Heal costs nothing instead of 70
16 AAVILSZA Cure poison costs nothing instead of 10
17 PAEENYOT Axe costs 1 instead of 225
18 PAEEUYGP Staff costs 1 instead of 20
19 AAOAXYPA Sword costs 144 instead of 400
20 AAEAKYZA Bow costs 168 instead of 680
21 PAXAONEG Leather costs 1 instead of 200
22 AAXAKYZA Chain costs 88 instead of 600
23 AAXEXNPA Plate costs 196 instead of 2500
24 AUNOYSLP Fighter starts with Strength of 48 instead of 27
25 NYOOPVSK Fighter starts with Experience of 255 instead of
26 LEVOZIPA Fighter starts with 812 Hit Points instead of 300
27 LKNPYIAE Fighter starts with 75 Magic Points instead of none
Ultima, Quest of the Avatar is a trademark of Origin Systems, Inc.
and Richard Garriot.

Ultima, Warriors of Destiny(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SUSTXSVS Infinite consumable items such as food and
2 AAEZIPZL A night at the Wayfarer Inn(tm) is free
At Healer's Herbs(tm):
3 AEUZPAPA Sulfurous ash is free instead of 1 GP
4 AEUZGAZA Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP
5 AEUZYAZA Garlic is free instead of 2 GP
6 AEUXIAGT An Tym Scroll(tm) is free instead of 100 GP
7 AEKZAAVP Spellbook is free instead of 150 GP
8 AEUXZAGA Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP From Pendra(tm)
9 AEEXZAGA Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP
10 AEEZYALA Black Pearl is free instead of 3 GP
11 AEEZGAZA Garlic is free instead of 2 GP
12 AEEZPAZA Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP
13 AEEXIELG Sant Talisman(tm) is free instead of 75 GP
At Iolo's Bows(tm):
14 AAEXIELG Bow is free instead of 75 GP
15 AAEXZEPP Wooden shield is free instead of 25 GP
16 AAEZGALA Dagger is free instead of 3 GP
17 AAEZYEAZ Short sword is free instead of 40 GP
18 AAOZAAVP Crossbow is free instead of 150 GP
19 AAOZLAAZ + AAOZGALA Magic bow is free instead of 800
20 AAOZTAPA Arrow is free instead of 1 GP
21 AAOXPAZA Bolt is free instead of 2 GP
22 PAOZAPAE Sell Dagger for 2,305 instead of 1 GP
23 LAOZLPAG Sell Short sword for 2,848 instead of 20 GP
24 YAOZTPAE Sell Wooden shield for 3,850 instead of 10 GP
25 AESXEZGA Start new game with 201 instead of 1,225 GP
26 AOSXEZGA Start new game with 4,297 instead of 1,225 GP
27 YNSXEZGE Start new game with 32,713 instead of 1,225 GP
Ultima, Warriors of Destiny, Wayfarer Inn, Healer's Herbs, Pendra, An
Tym Scroll, Sant Talisman and Iolo's Bows are trademarks of Richard

Ultimate Stuntman (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAOTOIZA / AENVNGZA Start with 1 life (first credit
2 IAOTOIZA / IENVNGZA Start with 6 lives (first credit only)
3 AAOTOIZE / AENVNGZE Start with 9 lives (first credit only)
4 SZEIPUVK / SXNSYXVK Infinite time
5 SXXSVUVK / SXXSNUVK Infinite 'Crez' weapon until end of
6 PEXXOAIE / PEXXSATE 9 seconds on clock pick-up
7 AEEZSPZA / AEOZXPZA Full energy on pick-up
OVUZKPSV + PEUZSONY Minimum damage taken
9 NYXXXVAN / NYXXVVAN Shield lasts longer on Human Fly
10 AGXXXVAY / AGXXVVAY Shield lasts a shorter time on
Human Fly stages
11 GXUAOKVK Don't lose a life on Ground Pursuit, Boat and Hang
Glider stages
12 SZOUZXVK / SXNXKNVK Don't lose a life against end-of-
bosses and on Street Combat stages
13 SXXLVSVK / SXXUXSVK Don't lose a life on Human Fly
Ultimate Stuntman and Dr. Evil are trademarks of Codemasters
Software Co. Ltd.

The Untouchables(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAXKTEGA Start on scene 2
2 ZAXKTEGA Start on scene 3
3 GAXKTEGA Start on scene 4
4 TAXKTEGA Start on scene 5
5 ZAXKTEGE Start on scene 7
6 SXUAZGVG Infinite time on scenes 1 and 4
7 GEXELPZA More time on scene 1
8 PEXELPZA Less time on scene 1
9 TAXELAGA More time on scene 2
10 ZAXELAGA Less time on scene 2
11 TAXEYAGA More time on scene 3
12 ZAXEYAGA Less time on scene 3
13 TAXAPAIA More time on scene 5
14 LAXAPAIA Less time on scene 5
15 ZAOEAAPA More time on scene 7
16 SLOEAGVI Infinite energy on scenes 1 and 4 only
17 SXKAATVG Infinite energy on scene 2 only
18 AZNETGAP More ammo picked up on scene 2
19 IANETGAP Less ammo picked up on scene 2
20 PAOEGATE More ammo picked up on scene 7
The Untouchables is a trademark of Paramount Pictures.

Urban Champion(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEEIZGGE Powerful quick punches
2 TOEIZGGA Super powerful quick punch
3 GZOTZLVG Freeze the timer
4 LENVTZTA Speed up the timer
5 AAXSLLPA Become a stronger fighter
6 LAXSLLPA Become a weaker fighter
Urban Champion is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Vice: Project Doom(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSKIOVK Infinite lives
2 SZNNNSVK Stop timer
3 SZVYXKVK Infinite grenades
4 SZKNXKVK Infinite bullets
5 ZEOYNGGV 10 coins for an extra life
6 POOYNGGV 25 coins for an extra life
7 GOENELIA 20 extra Grenades on pick-up
8 POXYXUZE 25 extra Bullets on pick-up
9 LTNNXLIA Start with 99 grenades
10 SXVYVKSE Infinite power
11 VPOEPKXY Start timer for round 1 at 150
12 VPUAZKXY Start timer for round 2 at 150
Vice: Project Doom and Neon Gel are trademarks of American Sammy

Vindicators(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 KLUAGTVI Infinite lives
2 AAKKYTZA Start with 1 life
3 IAKKYTZA Start with 6 lives
4 AAKKYTZE Start with 9 lives
5 AAUKYTZO + VIKGPTEI Start with 80 shots
6 AAUKYTZO + KIKGPTEI Start with 80 bombs
7 VYUKEIVI Automatic fuel replenishment
8 GZOEVXON Never lose stars
9 VVVAAPSA Start with 10 stars
10 ZAUKYTZP Quicker shot re-load
11 AZKGYVAA Start with increased shot range
12 LPKKLVGE Turbo speed
Vindicators is a trademark of Atari Games. Used by Tengen under

Wacky Races(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAKVEIZA Start with 1 life
2 GAKVEIZA Start with 5 lives
3 TAKVEIZA Start with 7 lives
4 AAKVEIZE Start with 9 lives
5 SASSZEVK + SEKIYEVK Infinite lives
6 TASTOILA Start with 6 hearts
7 AASTOILE Start with 8 hearts
8 GXSGSVVK Don't take most damage
9 GXSGSVVK + GZNKVVVK + Infinite hearts
10 EKUVKIKK Start at race 1, end of stage 1
11 NKUVKIKK Start at race 1, end of stage 2
12 KSUVKIKG Start at race 1, end of stage 3
13 ESUVVIVS Start at race 2, end of stage 1
14 KSUVVIVS Start at race 2, end of stage 2
15 EVUVVIVI Start at race 2, end of stage 3
16 KVKTEIXT Start at race 3, end of stage 1
17 EVKTEIXV Start at race 3, end of stage 2
18 KVKTEIXV Start at race 3, end of stage 3
19 ENKTEIXT Start at race 3, end of stage 4
20 XNUVKIKG Go straight to level boss--use with one of Codes 10
thru 19 to select which boss
Wacky Races, Muttley(tm) and Dick Dastardly are trademarks of
Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.

Wayne's World (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PANEYAGA Start with 2 lives
2 YANEYAGA Start with 8 lives
3 PANEYAGE Start with 10 lives
4 VXKESXVK Infinite lives
5 EANEZAEL Start with less Worthiness(tm)
6 AGNEZAEL Start with much less Worthiness
7 SZSEXUSE Infinite Worthiness
8 NNSLYYKU More time in level 1
9 NNNLIYZU More time in Donut shop in level 1
10 SXSALOVK Infinite time
11 AANAKLZA Power-up restores all Worthiness
12 SZNANUSE Power-up worth nothing
13 SZOOSUVV Getting all donuts is worth no extra lives
14 YOKEZOLU Faster timer
15 AVKEZOLL Slower timer
16 IAEZXAGP 5 special moves picked up
17 AZEZXAGO 40 special moves picked up
Wayne's World and Worthiness are trademarks of NBC and Paramount.

Werewolf: The Last Warrior(tm) Game
1 SZXTTLVG Infinite time
2 PAENGTIA Only 1 anger point needed to
become Super-Werewolf!
3 AAUNGVZA + AAUNPVAA Don't lose energy from blue "W"
4 SZXNPVVK Blue "W" won't change you back to a man
5 ESKNTIKI Gain maximum energy from small hearts
Werewolf: The Last Warrior is a trademark of Data East USA Inc.

Wheel Of Fortune(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 YENOIAYA + GEKPOAYA Less time for choosing
2 YENOIAYE + YEKPOAYE More time for choosing
3 GPUUISAZ Less time to solve
4 GLUUISAX More time to solve
Wheel of Fortune is a trademark of Merv Griffin Enterprises, a unit
of Columbia Pictures Entertainment, Inc. Used by
Game Tek/IJE, Inc. under license.

Where's Waldo(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEETLZPA Infinite time
2 VTSVYYTE Guesses cost nothing
Where's Waldo is a trademark of Martin Handford. Used by T-HQ under

Who Framed Roger Rabbit(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PESSSYLA 1 life
2 TESSSYLA 6 lives
3 PESSSYLE 9 lives
4 SXVOYIVG Never lose a life except in Punch lines
5 SZSZXYVG Never lose a life in Punch lines
6 SXKELNVK Infinite continues
7 PAUKXTGA Harder to build strength
8 EPUKXTGA Strength to full instantly
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a trademark of The Walt Disney Company
and Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
Used by LJN Toys, Ltd., under license.

Whomp 'Em(tm) Game
1 AEKKGALA Start with 1 life
2 LAVKYAAA Start with 5 lives
3 AAVKYAAE Start with 10 lives
4 SXEEZPVG Don't lose a life from energy loss
5 SXXOUPVG Creatures can't steal extra lives
6 SZNATPSA Infinite energy
7 SZKEGPVG Keep buffalo headdress for present level
8 ZAKELOAA Always have buffalo headdress
Whomp'Em is a trademark of Jaleco Ltd.

Wild Gunman(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GZOGVYVG Infinite lives
2 YEUISPLE + PENGVALA Start with 1 life
3 ZEUISPLE + ZENGVALE Start with 10 lives
4 YEUISPLE + YENGVALE Start with 15 lives
5 GZNIPAVG Infinite bullets
6 AXVIEOYA Start with double normal bullets
7 AUVIEOYA Start with triple normal bullets
8 AEVIEOYE Start with half normal bullets
9 IENSUOZA + IEUSSUZA Shoot 5 baddies to finish level
Wild Gunman is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Willow(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZASEGOUI Infinite magic
2 TGNILGSA Don't take any hits
3 XZKYILKP + AVUOXSOZ Start with all items
4 GEKISVZA + PNKINTSL Start at xp level 5
5 PEKISVZE + PNKINTSL Start at xp level 10
6 TEKISVZE + PNKINTSL Start at xp level 15
Willow and Bavmorda are trademarks of LucasFilm, Ltd. Used by
Capcom USA, Inc., under license.

Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEVEIPAL Annointed Mace costs nothing instead of 30.
2 AAVEIPIZ Long Sword costs nothing instead of 25.
3 AEXEIPIP Short Sword costs nothing instead of 15.
4 AEVEIZAZ Small Shield costs nothing instead of 20.
5 AAVEIZAP Staff costs nothing instead of 10.
6 AEXEIZIA Dagger costs nothing instead of 5.
7 AAVEILIP Robes costs nothing instead of 15.
8 AEVEGYIA S of Pain costs nothing instead of 500.
9 AAXEKAIA S of Fire costs nothing instead of 500.
10 AEXEGYIP Body Armor costs nothing instead of 1500.
11 AAXEILAG Large Shield costs nothing instead of 40.
12 AEXEILAI Leather Armor costs nothing instead of 50.
13 AEVEILEP Chain Mail costs nothing instead of 90.
14 AAVEIGAI + AAVEGGYA Plate Mail costs nothing instead
of 750.
15 AAXEGGZA Breast Plate costs nothing instead of 200.
16 AEXEGGPA Helm costs nothing instead of 100.
17 AEVEGGIA S of Curing costs nothing instead of 500.
18 AAXEGTAL Rod of Iron costs nothing instead of 3000.
19 AEXEGTIP Padded Leather costs nothing instead of 1500.
20 AEVEGTIP Shiny Chain costs nothing instead of 1500.
21 AAXEGYIP Sturdy Plate costs nothing instead of 1500.
22 AAVEGYIP Iron Shield costs nothing instead of 1500.
23 AEVEKGAT Gloves of Copper costs nothing instead of 6000.
24 AAVEKLIP S of Glass costs nothing instead of 1500.
25 AAXEKPIZ Studly Staff costs nothing instead of 2500.
26 AEXEGIAI + AEXELIPA Blade of Biting costs nothing instead of
27 AAXEGILA S of Neutralizing costs nothing instead of 300.
Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord is a trademark of
Sir-Tech Software, Inc.

Wizards and Warriors(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 GXVUZGVG Infinite lives
2 IAUUKAZA + IAXGGAZA Start with 6 lives
3 AAUUKAZE + AAXGGAZE Start with 9 lives
4 GZNVILST Infinite energy
5 NTEINNYK Potions will last longer
6 PEEVAGZA Gain half energy value from meat
7 GEEVAGZA Gain double energy value from meat
Wizards & Warriors are trademarks of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.

Wizards & Warriors III(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAXXPYLA Start with 2 lives
2 TAXXPYLA Start with 7 lives
3 PAXXPYLE Start with 10 lives
4 SXNTPLVG Infinite lives--except at boss stages
5 POSAGGZU Coins worth 25
6 GVSAGGZL Coins worth 100
7 NNSAGGZU Coins worth 255
8 IESAZKZA Bags worth 5
9 ZUSAZKZA Bags worth 50
10 NNSAZKZE Bags worth 255
11 AGKZGYEA Less energy
12 ELKZGYEA More energy
13 AGELLZEA Less energy after death--except at boss stages
14 ELELLZEA More energy after death--except at boss stages
Wizards & Warriors III is a trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.

Wolverine (tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEUSZALA Start with 1 life--player 1
2 TEUSZALA Start with 6 lives--player 1
3 PEUSZALE Start with 9 lives--player 1
4 PEVIYALA Start with 1 life--player 2
5 TEVIYALA Start with 6 lives--player 2
6 PEVIYALE Start with 9 lives--player 2
7 GZEXAOVK Infinite lives--both players
8 PEXIZAAA Start on stage 2--player 1
9 LEXIZAAA Start on stage 4--player 1
10 IEXIZAAA Start on stage 6--player 1
11 YEXIZAAA Start on stage 8--player 1
12 PEKSYAAA Start on stage 2--player 2
13 LEKSYAAA Start on stage 4--player 2
14 IEKSYAAA Start on stage 6--player 2
15 YEKSYAAA Start on stage 8--player 2
16 AXXLNUIE Mega-jump
17 KYXUVUVN + GAUUELZA Super speed
18 ZAXLISAA + ZAEKAKAA Take less damage from bullets
19 AAXGYLPA Claws use up no energy
20 AGNIZAAA Start each new life as a berserker!
Wolverine is a trademark of Marvel Entertainment Group Inc.

World Cup(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AAUVKZLA 1 minute in tournament mode
2 IAUVKZLA 6 minutes in tournament mode
3 AAUVKZLE 9 minutes in tournament mode
4 IAKTXXPA 6 minutes in match mode
5 ZAKTXXPA 3 minutes in match mode
6 AAKTXXPA 1 minutes in match mode
7 PEXLUIAA Faster players
8 AYXXNXAL More powerful 'normal' shots
World Cup is a trademark of Technos Japan Corp.

World Wrestling(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 IEUSTOZA Half training time allowed
2 GOUSTOZA Double training time allowed
World Wrestling and TWW are a trademarks of Tecmo, Inc.

Wrath of the Black Manta(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AEOAZTLE Start with extra energy
2 SXSLXUVK Take no damage from most enemies
3 SZVOKEVK Never die from falling off screen
4 GZUZSUSO Mega-jump when stationary
5 AEOAYTZA Start with 1 life
6 IEOAYTZA Start with 6 lives
7 AEOAYTZE Start with 9 lives
Wrath of the Black Manta is a trademark of Taito America

Wrecking Crew(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXGXGL Infinite lives--player 1
2 SXIXZL Infinite lives--player 2
3 PELXYP Start with 1 life--both players
4 PELXYO Start with 10 lives--both players
5 YELXYO Start with 15 lives--both players
Wrecking Crew is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZSGYNSE More fuel Some enemies can still kill you
2 SXNGZTSA More shields and life--
3 ZEXITGPA Start on Act 2, Dyna Crystal(tm)
4 LEXITGPA Start on Act 3, Magma Falls(tm)
5 GEXITGPA Start on Act 4, Ziggy(tm)
6 IEXITGPA Start on Act 5, Dual Duel(tm)
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth, Dyna Crystal, Magma Falls,
Ziggy and Dual Duel are trademarks of Asmik
Corporation of America.

WWF Wrestlemania(tm) Game
CODE Key In . . . Effect . . .
1 PAXGXPLA 1-minute tournament rounds
2 TAXGXPLA 6-minute tournament rounds
3 PAXGXPLE 9-minute tournament rounds
WWF Wrestlemania is a trademark of TitanSports, Inc.

WWF Wrestlemania Challenge(tm) Game
1 ZEELLGGE Pin count extended to 9 seconds
2 TESGYOLA 10-count reduced to 5 seconds
3 IVNKGOGL All counts slower
4 YONKGOGU All counts faster
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge is a trademark of TitanSports, Inc.

X-Men(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SXEEXIST Infinite energy
2 GVUZPOEG Half energy for Wolverine(tm)
3 GVUZYOEG Half energy for Cyclops(tm)
4 PKUXIPXA Half energy for Nightcrawler(tm)
5 YSKZLOVU Half energy for Iceman(tm)
6 YNKXPONN Half energy for Colossus(tm)
7 ASKXYPEZ Half energy for Storm(tm)
X-Men, Wolverine, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Colossus and
Storm are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.

Xenophobe(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 LASIZOPA Increase starting energy for both players
2 AAKIYNUT Infinite energy for both players
3 LAVILONY + AIVIIOGI More energy to player 1 only
4 SXNITVOO No energy pickups allowed
5 TAKSAPYA Start at level 2
6 IAKSAPYA Start at level 3
7 GAKSAPYA Start at level 4
8 LAKSAPYA Start at level 5
Xenophobe is a trademark of Bally Midway Manufacturing used by
Sunsoft Corporation of America under license.

Xevious(tm) The Avenger Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZLNZY Infinite lives
2 PAZYOG Start with 1 life
3 TAZYOG Start with 6 lives
4 PAZYOK Start with 9 lives
Xevious is a trademark of Namco Ltd.

Xexyz(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 OTNGGYSV Immune to enemy bullets
2 OTNGGTSV Immune to monsters
3 PAUZTZLA Start with 1 life
4 TAUZTZLA Start with 6 lives
5 PAUZTZLE Start with 9 lives
6 SZEXTKVK Infinite lives
7 PAUXLILA 1 life after continue
8 VTOXAKSE Become a whirlwind on new life
9 AAOLPNAA Start with and keep foot-wing
Xexyz and Goruza are trademarks of Hudson Soft USA, Inc.

Yo! Noid(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 AUUIVPZL + AKUSOPZG Start with 1 life
2 IUUIVPZL + IKUSOPZG Start with 6 lives
3 PUUIVPZU + PKUSOPZK Start with 9 lives
4 SXKTTUVK + SXKVPUVK Infinite lives
5 SXXLIGVG Stop timer
6 IAKUVGPA More magic from small scrolls
7 AEUGSKTZ Multi-mega-jumps
8 PAXSNZLA 1 continue
9 TAXSNZLA 6 continues
10 ZEVSKPPA Start on stage 2
11 GEVSKPPA Start on stage 4
12 TEVSKPPA Start on stage 6
13 AEVSKPPE Start on stage 8
14 ZEVSKPPE Start on stage 10
15 GEVSKPPE Start on stage 12
Yo! Noid is a trademark of Domino's Pizza, Inc. Used by Capcom U.S.A.,
Inc. under license.

Yoshi(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAVAAPLA + PESTAZLA + PEXTZLLA Need only 1 Victory
Egg(tm) to win
2 ZAVAAPLA + ZESTAZLA + ZEXTZLLA Need only 2 Victory
Eggs to win
3 GOUYPEAZ Short wait for next characters
4 ZEUYPEAZ Really short wait for next characters
5 NNUYPEAX Really long wait for next characters
6 AVSULYZA Freeze characters for a short time
(press 'Down')
Yoshi and Victory Egg are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.
Tetris is a trademark of V/O Electronorgtechnica (Elorg).

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEKSVGLA Start with 2 lives
2 TEKSVGLA Start with 7 lives
3 PEKSVGLE Start with 10 lives
4 SZEOUGVG Infinite lives
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles is a trademark of LucasArts
Entertainment Company.

Zanac(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PEEKOLLA Start with 1 life
2 TEEKOLLA Start with 6 lives
3 PEEKOLLE Start with 9 lives
4 OXEENYVK Infinite lives
5 PEOPAGAA Start with Straight Crusher(tm)
6 ZEOPAGAA Start with Field Shutter(tm)
7 LEOPAGAA Start with the Circular(tm)
8 GEOPAGAA Start with the Vibrator(tm)
9 IEOPAGAA Start with the Rewinder(tm)
10 TEOPAGAA Start with the Plasma Flash(tm)
11 YEOPAGAA Start with rapid fire!
Zanac, Straight Crusher, Field Shutter, Circular, Vibrator, Rewinder
and Plasma Flash are trademarks of FCI, Inc.

Zelda II: The Adventures of Link(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 SZKGKXVK Link(tm) has infinite lives
2 PASKPLLA Link starts with 1 life
3 TASKPLLA Link starts with 6 lives
4 PASKPLLE Link starts with 9 lives
5 AZUOLIAL Mega-jump
6 OYKEEVSA + NPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Fire spell
7 LYKEEVSA + VAKEOVVE Swap Shield spell for Spell spell
8 LZKEEVSA + OPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Fairy spell
9 IIKEEVSE + VAKEOVVE Swap Shield spell for Life spell
10 VTKEEVSA + OPKEOVVA Swap Shield spell for Thunder
Zelda II: The Adventures of Link and Link are trademarks of Nintendo
of America Inc.

Zen Intergalactic Ninja(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 ZAELNGIE 9 lives allowed in 'options'
2 SZSPGTVG + SZOZYTVG Infinite lives
3 PAEUGGLA + PAXUNTLA Fewer hits in shield
4 TAEUGGLA + TAXUNTLA Double hits in shield
5 PAEUGGLE + PAXUNTLE Triple hits in shield
6 GZNLYUSE Infinite energy
7 NYNXVTOE Slower timer
8 YTNXVTOE Faster timer
9 YINXVTOE Even faster timer
10 AEUAOLGE Zen does increased damage-- isometric stages
11 GOUAOLGA Zen does mega damage--isometric stages
12 AAKXUIGE Jab attack does more damage--horizontal stages
13 GPKXUIGA Mega jab attack damage--horizontal stages
Zen Intergalactic Ninja is a trademark of Zen Comics Inc.

Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II(tm) Game
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 PAVTTZLA Start with 1 life
2 TAVTTZLA Start with 6 lives
3 PAVTTZLE Start with 9 lives
4 SXKVPKVK Infinite lives
5 SLUZTSVS Infinite weapons
6 PASZPTIA + PASZITIA 1 star gives energy
7 ZAUXKAPA Walk faster--battle mode
8 PAUZEAAA Jump faster and farther--battle mode
9 ANKULAAL Throw Tink's axe farther
10 OYUUAAPG Throw Tink's axe faster
11 LGUUAAPG Tink's axe splits into 3 little ones when thrown
12 UYUUAAPG Throw Tink's splitting axe faster
Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II and related names are trademarks of
Nintendo of America Inc.

The Game Genie Code Manual: for N.E.S.(A thru D)

game Genie codes, from the Galoob Manual: For NES: (E-through-O)

(You are Here) game Genie codes, (P-thru-Z)


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